Lola Chomnalez case: there is an inmate and the case is reactivated


The crime of Lola Chomnalez He has been unpunished since December 2014, when the 15-year-old Argentinian girl was found dead in Barra de Valizas, Uruguay. Now the justice of this country has reactivated the case, after four and a half years of investigation, and asked the prosecutor Jorge Vaz the prosecution as co-author of the aggravated homicide Angel Moreira Marín.

"The parents were waiting to know the truth and this is a milestone on the record and with this measure we believe that the investigation is beginning to bring some light and peace," he said. Telam one of the family's lawyers, Juan Williman.

The 33-year-old craftsman, nicknamed "The Cachila"He had already been arrested for the case in 2015, when he had been interrogated and his statements revealed certain contradictions. On this occasion, the manHe was glad to have found her on the road and admitted to seeing her disappear.but denied having participated in the crime, according to the newspaper The country from Uruguay.

However, the DNA match made at that time was negative with the traces of blood found in the victim's backpack, which was subsequently released.

The detainee for Lola's crime said to have seen him disappear

The suspect was postponed on Monday, May 20 after a new investigation conducted as part of the case by prosecutor Vaz. "The investigation also involved a semi-expert expert who was able to determine that the suspect, when talking about things that did not pose a problem, had a comfortable, non-verbal language. homicide, he had restrictive gestures towards corporal movements. It complicated his situation"explained the prosecutor.

Adriana and Diego Chomnalez, Lola's parents submitted to the Uruguayan court a report prepared by Argentine experts who badyzed all the evidence contained in the file, in order to clarify the crime, for which about 30 people were subjected to 'a suspicious investigation but He has no detainees.

Lola, an unsolved crime: a new judge and the same doubts

The case. Lola, 15 years old, had arrived at the beach of Valizas in the afternoon of Saturday, December 27, 2014 to spend a few days on vacation with his godmother, the wife's husband and his son, who have a house in the area.

The next day he went for a walk and his track was lostHis body was found half buried 200 meters from the beach, to the nearby spa resort of Aguas Dulces. The autopsy determined that the young woman died of asphyxiation by asphyxiation, and had several cuts made with a knife in different parts of the body.

Since then, a dozen suspects have been arrested and then released during the murder investigation. Traces of several traces were followed and thrown away. Among them, the 14-year-old godmother of Lola's godmother, who was in Valizas with them, was the subject of a DNA study, although this study is also negative.



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