Lola Chomnalez case: Uruguayan justice will question the inhabitants of Valizas and Aguas Dulces


As he recalled this Wednesday The country, Lola was not more than 18 hours in Valizas. He arrived at 3:30 pm on December 27, 2014. The next day he went for a walk on the beach towards Aguas Dulces. He must have walked at least four kilometers. I was looking for a sea turtle.

His body was found two days later, in a difficult place of access, in a dune of bushes, about 200 meters from the beach. Shortly after, a backpack appeared with a towel with traces of human blood.

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Tuesday afternoon, Lola's parents, Diego Chomnalez and Adriana Belmonteaccompanied by his lawyer Juan Raúl Williman, they handed the prosecutor Rocha a document prepared by forensic experts of the Argentine prosecutor's office about the crime.

These experts have studied the file that counts today 5,000 folios and where they were interviewed with a hundred people, of which 40 were the subject of an investigation.

The report of Argentina includes a summary of the case and five final conclusions.

"These are suggestions and contributions that could lead to a line of investigation," said the prosecutor at a press conference. He added: "This work will be taken into account, it is not realized within the framework of an agreement between two states, we will take it as a great collaboration suggesting to deepen a line of research" already realized in the past .

At a press conference, Williman agreed with Vaz that the Argentine document is a technical report that attempts to create a clue about the perpetrators of the crime.

"The Argentine authorities are worried about the case," said the criminal.

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The document also advises Vaz to intensify its technical skills, including DNA testing, and start from scratch.

Argentina's report coincides only with the line of investigation that the prosecutor handles at that time.

On leaving Rocha's prosecutor's office, Diego Chomnalez said that Argentina "was helping" to clarify the crime, but said Argentine experts "can not investigate" in Uruguay, but "collaborate". For his part, his wife explained that the team work done between the two countries was positive because it opened new perspectives.

Belmonte recalled that he had approached the Argentine authorities at first when the Uruguayan justice had not expedited the investigation. And she said: "I am an Argentine citizen, we decided to resort to the government of our country, it was after two years (after the badbadination of Lola)".

Lola's parents are convinced that the murderers are at least two and live in Valizas or Aguas Dulces. They even suggested that in these spas, there were people who know who killed the 14-year-old girl.

In the meetingThe prosecutor pointed out to Chomnalez and Belmonte that he did not attach any relevance to the DNA sample found in Lola's briefcase. "Some people may have participated in the crime and their blood does not match the sample," he said.


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