Lola Chomnalez's crime: "El Cachila" will go to trial and ask for maximum penalty


The case that investigates the death of Lola Chomnalez – the 15-year-old girl murdered in the resort of Barra de Valizas, Uruguay, in December 2014 – appears to have been reactivated and sentenced to punishment. The only decree for the crime, Angel Moreira Marínwill be judged for being considered by the courts as co-perpetrator of the minor's crime and request the maximum penalty of 30 years.

The 33-year-old craftsman and builder, nicknamed "The Cachila"He was already detained for the case in 2015: on that occasion, he was interrogated and his statements revealed certain contradictions. On this occasion, the man admitted to having found the young woman on the road and he admitted seeing him faintbut denied having participated in the crime.

Although at first we thought it might have some involvement in the crime, the DNA check that was done was negative, with traces of blood found in a napkin inside the victim's backpack. released. Four and a half years later, the investigation had not advanced to find the perpetrators.

Lola Chomnalez case: there is an inmate and the case is reactivated

The Uruguayan justice was the subject of a parallel investigation several weeks ago Adriana and Diego Chomnalez, Lola's parents, who gave them a report prepared by Argentinian experts, who badyzed all the evidence on file, with the intention of seeking clarification on the crime committed.

In the early hours of Wednesday, May 22, the judge ruled that Moreira Marín should be tried and formally accused by the prosecution and the magistrate of the "coauthor" of the crime of Lola Chomnalez. On the death of the girl, "two or more people" would have participated and the cell phone would be an attempt at badual abuse. This was determined after the new statement of "El Cachila" last Monday, May 20: the defendant confirmed the story he had told in his first investigation four years ago and provided details about what happened.

The testimony "I fell with her, she was walking along the beach, I was going to Valizas and she was going on the other side, I was coming from Aguas Dulces," said Moreira Marín, who also said that they "had crossed" and that he "had offered her a small stamp". as recorded Clarín.

"I told him & # 39;Hello, I offer you a small stamp"And she asked what it was about and I showed it to her." According to his reconstruction, Lola began to feel bad and he accompanied her to the forest where he sat next to her under a tree and took her pulse. . "I asked her what she had and she told me that she was dizzy, she sat down and fell to her knees, took her pulse and I was scared, I went out and took the bus to Montevideo "he maintained.

Lola Chomnalez
Lola Chomnalez was 15 years old. She went to Uruguay with her godmother on December 27, 2014 and was murdered while she was walking on the beach of Barra de Valizas.

After the new investigation, the prosecutor of the case Jorge Vaz he explained to Telam that a semi-expert expert also participated in the statement. Among other things, the expert was able to determine that the suspect, when he was talking about things that did not concern him, had a comfortable non-verbal language and when he was questioned about things related to him. Homicide, he had restrictive gestures, gestures and body movements. complicated their situation, "said the prosecutor.

The badumption of Justice is that two or more people surprised the young woman while she was walking in the region of Aguas Dulces, took her to the dune area, tried to badually badault her, the young woman resisted and then killed her. .

The case. Lola, 15, had arrived at Valizas beach in the afternoon of Saturday, December 27, 2014 to spend a few days on vacation with her godmother, the husband of the wife and their son, who have a house in the zone The next day he went for a walk and the trail was lost. After 48 hours, his body was found half buried 200 meters from the beach. He arrived at the nearby spa of Aguas Dulces.

The autopsy determined that the girl had died from suffocation asphyxia and that she had suffered several knife cuts in different parts of her body. Since then, a dozen suspects have been arrested and then released during the murder investigation. Traces of several traces were followed and thrown away.

Among the suspects was the family with whom he had traveled to Uruguay; he was therefore subjected to a DNA study conducted by the son-in-law of Lola's 14-year-old godmother, who accompanied her to Valizas, although this study was also negative.



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