Lola Chomnalez's parents have submitted a report to the Uruguayan courts and the case is reactivated


Four years and four months after the crime of Lola Chomnalez, the The Argentine justice has presented its own investigation collaborate with Uruguay in clarifying the case whose case has had no movement or development in recent times.

New theories and badumptions made by Argentinian criminology graduates and criminologists have been brought to the Rocha office by Lola's parents. In person and with his lawyer, Juan Williman presented the voluminous file which, during the next days, could generate different test measurements and important developments.

"The killers of my daughter are between Valizas and Aguas Dulces, we are convinced that this year is happening, this year we will have the news that we hope so much"he said Adriana Belmonte after meeting with the prosecutor of the case. For her, "this is not a single person who committed the crime" and according to the badysis of the file, the homicide would have been committed by at least two people.

"In recent times, we have started to see everything from another angle and thanks to the predisposition of Fiscal Jorge Vazwe were able to approach our opinion and the work we did in Argentina. We have a glimmer of hope and we will continue to fight to find Lola's killers, "said Diego Chomnalez at the prosecutor's door.

The case, recorded in a 10-page file of 35,000 pages, was marked by several unusual and unpublished events so far in the investigation, such as the constant changes of prosecutors and judges in charge . This is one of the big drawbacks that has almost always been on the record. In total, four prosecutors and five judges have already been heard.Some of them resigned, others retired and the rest were transferred to other Uruguayan justice units.

The parents of Lola and his lawyer had to face another problem: the very bad investigation conducted from the beginning, which led to a large number of suspects who had to go to testify before the court of Rocha. They were about 40 people on the investigation at one point were left in the line of sight of the police, but the DNA was responsible for the release of each one of them. The fact is that the detectives have as basic evidence that the blood stain found on the briefcase that Lola had in her backpack when she was murdered. This found genetic trace does not correspond to any of the suspects in the file.

Lola's crime

The 15-year-old girl went to Barra de Valizas on Saturday, December 27, 2014 and stayed with her godmother, Claudia Fernández, who was with her husband, Hernán Tuzinkevcih and his son. The next day, the girl disappeared when she went for a walk on the beach. Two days later, she was found murdered about four kilometers from the house, in a dune area.

By the autopsy, it was determined that Lola died from asphyxiation by asphyxiation and that he had several cuts made with a stab in different parts of the body. During the investigation, about 40 people, including Lola's godmother and her husband, who never again contacted the Chomnalez family, were arrested as suspects and then released, while various clues were followed and then rejected.

The son-in-law of Lola's 14-year-old godmother, who was with them in Valizas, was also the subject of a DNA study, although this study is also negative. One of the problems that does not get close to the family is all about the discovery of Lola's backpack, found on the beach on January 14, 2015, almost two weeks after that. " she was found murdered.

Inside the backpack, along with other personal belongings, we found a beach towel that carried a blood stain. Since then, this genetic material has been compared to that of all the inmates who were the cause, but always gave negative results, and that is why they were released.


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