Lola Chomnalez's parents submitted a report to Uruguayan justice | Chronic


Parents of Lola Chomnalez, the teenager murdered in the Uruguayan resort of Barra de Valizas in 2014, submitted to the Uruguayan justice a report prepared by Argentine experts who badyzed all the evidence on the record in order to clarify the crime , which Some 30 people have been investigated as suspects, but there are no detainees.

One of the family's lawyers, Juan Williman, explained that the documentation had been received by the prosecutor Rocha Jorge Vaz, who recently took over the cause because his colleague Patricia Sosa He retired last December.

"We came out very comforted from the meeting, it was very productive, because the prosecutor was very involved in the case and it is good that the family has first-hand information", said the lawyer, who recalled that it would be the fourth representative of the prosecution to intervene in the case.

Regarding the report that was submitted, Williman explained that it was prepared after Lola's parents had asked the court to rule. Juan Manuel Giménez Vera a complete digital copy of the file, which has about 5,000 pages, and receives the information on a USB key.

"These documents were taken to Argentina and examined by experts who badyzed all the evidence in the case, the prosecutor told us that he would take into account the report, that anything that can contribute to anything else serves"said the lawyer, who explained that the Ministry of Justice and the National Institute of Women (INAM) had collaborated in the preparation of the case.

Asked whether Uruguayan justice will take action from now on, Williman said he "attest that you work" and as "the prosecutor has his tracks of investigation" As for Lola's crime, he hopes it will not be long.

In this regard, he did not exclude the possibility of citing again some of the suspects who were charged, but asked not to give further details because "the inquiry is reserved".

Lola (14 years old) went to Barra de Valizas on Saturday 27 December 2014 and stayed with her godmother, Claudia Fernández, who was with her husband, Hernán Tuzinkevcih, and his son.

The next day, the girl disappeared when she went for a walk on the beach. Two days later, she was found murdered about four kilometers from the house, in a dune area.

The autopsy revealed that Lola had died as a result of suffocation asphyxia and that she had had several cuts to the knife in different parts of her body.

During the investigation, some 30 people, including Lola's godmother and her husband, who never contacted the Chomnalez family, were arrested as suspects and then released, while various clues were followed and then dismissed.

The son-in-law of Lola's 14-year-old godmother, who was with them in Valizas, was also the subject of a DNA study, although this study is also negative.

One of the problems that does not get close to the family is all about the discovery of Lola's backpack, found on the beach on January 14, 2015, almost two weeks after that. " she was found murdered.

Inside the backpack, along with other personal belongings, we found a beach towel that carried a blood stain. Since then, this genetic material has been compared to that of all the inmates who were the cause, but always gave negative results, and that is why they were released.

"This blood, is it the murderer?" It's a question we always ask ourselves and we think how true this spot is because the backpack appears several days later, almost at the moment the judge badumes the cause, I do not know if it's true. it has not been planted "He said at the time Adriana Belmonte, mother of the victim.

Belmonte also said that the issue of the nicknamed suspect generates doubts "Cachina" because he changed it several times and was eventually released, when he said he saw the young woman decompensated the day he disappeared.


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