London invaded by rats | Spy alert


England added another problem. Strict containment measures – after an increase in COVID-19 infections – have spawned a plague of rats in the city of London. This was revealed by the British Pest Control Association (BPCA), establishing that the new quarantine caused an increase in activity of these rodents.

The Association, which represents 700 rat hunters across the country, told the BBC that its members have reported a 51 percent increase in rat activity during the first quarantine and a 78 percent increase in November.

The figure for the third lockdown that began in January has yet to be calculated, but they say evidence shows rat sightings have increased dramatically. The specialists explained that, from many restaurants and office buildings in bustling London city center stay empty, the rats began to migrate to more residential areas in search of food.

At the same time, families produce more waste, which attracts rats to suburban housing. Additionally, bird feeders, which are stocked during the winter, encourage rodents to burrow into backyards.

We can now see rats where we normally wouldn’t because they are so desperate“said Natalie Bungay of BPCA.” Rats can chew very hard substances like soft metals and bricks, ”she added.

The specialist also explained that their size was also increasing, so it is not uncommon to find rats measuring up to 40 centimeters. This implies that stronger traps and more poison must be used.

No one really knows how many rats there are in London, although some investigations by private exterminators claim they could exceed 20 million.. A single pair of rodents can produce 1,250 new animals in a year.

Pest eliminators advise Londoners to properly dispose of food waste in arranged bins and to seal vents and other entry points into a home with steel trellis.


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