London joins the United States and sends a destroyer through Iran – Telam


Iran today asked the United Kingdom to release its own tanker intercepted last week in front of Gibraltar and accused London of being a "servant" of the United States, while the United Kingdom announced the dispatch of a destroyer to the Persian Gulf amid high tensions between Washington and Tehran.

British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt said that recent events have shown that the navy needs reinforcements in the Persian Gulf, but that his country did not want a conflict with Iran one day after the British navy claimed to have prevented three Iranian military ships from blocking the pbadage of a British tanker in the Strait of Hormuz.

Also yesterday, the Gibraltar police officially arrested the captain and the first supertanker officer for alleged violation of sanctions by the European Union (EU) who was carrying a cargo of oil to Syria, and announced today the Arrest of the two seconds on board. of the ship.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi told the IRNA news agency that "the legal excuses for the capture are not valid … the release of the supertanker is in the interest From all countries".

"It's a dangerous game that has consequences," he warned.


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