London presumes Brexit deal is "virtually impossible" after Boris Johnson and Angela Merkel call


The UK Government believes that the conclusion of an agreement to "Brexit" with Brussels, it is "essentially impossible", after a conversation this Tuesday between the German Chancellor, Angela Merkeland the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.

According to a Downing Street source, citing local media, the two leaders held a phone conversation this morning about the UK's new plans to exit the EU, sent by Johnson to Brussels on Monday. last week.

Angela Merkel told Boris Johnson that an agreement is "extremely improbable " Unless London agrees to keep the British province of Northern Ireland in a customs union with the European Union, the source said.

But for London, this requirement makes an agreement "essentially impossibleThe source added, pointing out that Johnson had defended Merkel after submitting a reasonable proposal.

Last week, London presented its expected divorce plan in Brussels and asked its 27 partners to make concessions to reach an agreement. Otherwise, Johnson promised abruptly withdraw to your country from the EU on October 31st, Despite the legislation passed last September by the Parliament, the executive director is forced to write to the EU to request a further extension if an agreement was not reached on the 19th day.

Europeans have highlighted two "problematic" issues in the British proposal: the need for customs controls between Ireland – EU countries – and Northern Ireland and the veto power granted to parliament Autonomous Northern Ireland.

A Downing Street source told Britain's conservative magazine Monday night The spectator that Johnson foresaw the failure of the negotiations.

"If the agreement dies in the coming days, we will not restore it," the source said.

A Downing Street spokesperson did not want to deny or conform the information, which led him to assume that it was an intentional leak preparing for hold the EU responsible for any possible failure and a brutal Brexit without agreement at the end of the month.

From the Labor Party – the main opposition group – they felt that it "is another cynical attempt to sabotage the negotiations".

As Keir Starmer, leader of the Labor Party for "Brexit" says, Johnson "will never assume any responsibility for his own failure to move forward with a credible agreement".

"Now it is more important than ever for Parliament to join in order to prevent this reckless government from taking us out of the European Union at the end of the month," said the Labor politician.


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