London: pretending to have identified those responsible for the poisoning of the Russian spy with Novichok


British media claim that they are Russian citizens Source: AFP

LONDON.- After the scandal
which started last March, when the
The ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were poisoned with the toxin
Novichok in the

and internees in serious condition, today local newspapers claim that Scotland Yard officials found those responsible for
attack, which triggered a diplomatic crisis between


and which included the expulsion of diplomats in both countries

British police believe they have identified the suspects and they would be Russian.

"The investigators believe that they have identified the suspects of the attack with
Novichok "comparing the images of surveillance cameras with" the files of people who entered the country at that time, "said a source close to the record." They are sure that they are Russians. "

  London: they say that they were identified The responsible for the poisoning of the Russian agent Skripal in Novichok
London: the makers of the poisoning of the Russian agent Skripal in Novichok were identified Source: AFP

Skripal and his daughter were poisoned early March in Salisbury (southwestern England) with the nerve agent Novichok, an badbadination attempt that the British government has attributed to

who rejects the accusation

The case caused a serious diplomatic crisis between Russia and Western countries that resulted in cross-expulsions of diplomats. After knowing the case,

Britain, France, and Germany issued a joint statement, unprecedented since the Cold War years, in which they demanded that the Kremlin explain the attack.

"We ask Russia to clarify all issues We are facing an attack on the sovereignty of Britain […] We share the British conclusion that there is no such thing. Possible alternative to the "Russian responsibility", say the Western powers, the Russian agent Skripal in Novichok ” style=””/>

London: the poisoning officials of the Russian agent Skripal in Novichok were identified Source: Reuters

Sergey and Yulia Skripal were interned for weeks, under intensive treatment 19659016] But they were not the only case.In recent weeks, the antiterrorist unit of British police investigated the case of a couple who was exposed to the agent Novichok near the city of Salisbury

June 30 Dawn Sturgess, 44, and his partner Charlie Rowley, they have been poisoned while being in cont act with the Novichok who was in a pot. The woman died a week later and the man survived; he is hospitalized in a "serious but stable" state.

The researchers are now trying to determine if the poison comes from the same batch used against Skripal and her daughter.

  Yulia Skripal
Yulia Skripal Source: Reuters [19659020] AFP and Reuters Agencies

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