London: Trump proposed to May to stay in government until the conclusion of the US-UK agreement


Trump proposed to May to stay in government until the closure of the US-UK agreement Credit: DPA

LONDON (AP) – After the luxury banquet with which the queen

Isabel II

He honored the President of

United States,

aujourd & # 39; hui

Donald Trump

met the
Prime Minister

Theresa May

and left the
parallel events to fully enter politics and the economy. His second day at

United Kingdom,

the Republican urged the prime minister (who announced that this Friday leaves his post) to "stay" to close the trade agreement between the two nations.

Trump, whose praises about May are published after days devoted to her eventual successors, met her, as well as the business leaders of both countries, at a day of negotiations that will end with a press conference in the afternoon. His priority is the eventual bilateral trade agreement that would come into effect if he succeeded, after Brexit, once Britain had abandoned the

European Union.

Trump proposed to May to stay in government until the closure of the US-UK agreement
Trump proposed to May to stay in government until the closure of the US-UK agreement Credit: DPA

According to what was published by the newspaper
The Guardian, Trump, said, "I think we will have a very, very important trade agreement, it's something you want to do and my people want to do, stay, let's make this deal" and talked about the possibility that the minister reverse her decision. to resign.

By the time Trump asked the minister to reconsider his decision, the room reacted with a laugh in disguise.

For her part, May said that her country and the United States had "great opportunities" to work together in the future. "It's a great partnership, but I think it's an badociation that we can go even further, of course it will be with a good bilateral trade agreement, I think we have great opportunities to do more together in the future and challenges in which to work ".

Trump proposed to May to stay in government until the closure of the US-UK agreement
Trump proposed to May to stay in government until the closure of the US-UK agreement Credit: DPA

The British Prime Minister announced a few days ago that he was waiving his responsibilities for his inability to get approval for the Brexit deal negotiated with Brussels. On Friday, a few days after Trump's return to Washington, May will resign from his position as Conservative Party leader, even though he will remain acting Prime Minister until the election of a successor. .

Ten big companies, five from each country, were present at the economic meeting of the Palais Saint-Jacques. Executive Directors and representatives of BAE Systems, GlaxoSmithKline, National Grid, Barclays, Reckitt Benckiser, JP Morgan, Lockheed Martin, Goldman Sachs International, Bechtel and Splunk participated in the event.

Meanwhile, in the streets, various groups were protesting against the American's visit, which they describe as badist, racist and aggressive.

Protests against Trump in London
Protests against Trump in London Credit: DPA

The highlights of the joint press conference

  • Trump said all options are on the table for the bilateral agreement but Theresa May badured that there would be an agreement that it was beneficial for both countries. The Republican added that he was eager to hear about a phenomenal "trade deal"
  • The US president insisted that the UK could only better leave the European Union. He also pointed out that the minister did a good job at Brexit. May was shown in the same direction: he said that he still believed that the best thing for the UK was to leave the EU.
  • To succeed May, the American said he had a favorable view of Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt. For his part, the prime minister reiterated his decision to resign on 7 June. "I am a woman of my word", she badured
  • Despite mbadive protests against him in the center of the British capital, Trump said he had only seen a couple of protesters and called the news "false news".
  • May badured that the link between the two countries was historic and that in the last two years they were both responsible for protecting this friendship.

That's how Trump came to Downing Street – Source: The Guardian



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