Long lines the first day of the promotion Bapro


Tails in a supermarket in La Plata, yesterday Source: LA NACION – Credit: Santiago Hafford

This is a 50% discount with a cap of $ 1500

LA PLATA.- C & # 39 was a cold day and with rain, but no one left queuing. And it is that yesterday it returned to the hypermarkets of the province of Buenos Aires the 50% reduction in food and other products for the home that the Provincial Bank has relaunched. That first day, shortly before they opened their doors to supermarkets, it was already possible to see tails that exceeded one hundred meters.

It turns out that, until yesterday, the government of Maria Eugenia Vidal had not continued the profit this year. This represents 50% savings for families. The promotion had concluded with its initial proposal in November of last year. In December, there was a reduction of the Christmas basket and in January and February in the supermarkets Mar del Plata.

But the reduction was widely expected by clients of Banco Provincia, who had already turned to the group before the economic crisis

The measure provides for a reduction with a monthly ceiling of $ 1500 in purchases with Visa Debit, Visa Credit and MasterCard Credit from Bapro at Coto and those owned by Cencosud (Jumbo). , Disco and Plaza Vea) of the province and the city of Buenos Aires

This benefit for customers of Banco Provincia will be repeated next Wednesday 25. In total, the reductions were made in 390 branches of the channels mentioned: Coto, Disco, Vea, Jumbo, Toledo, La Anónima, Cooperativa Obrera and La Amistad throughout the province of Buenos Aires

"Governor María Eugenia Vidal proposed from the first day to take us to Banco P We are convinced that we let's go in that direction, "said Juan Curutchet, president of the Bank of the Province

. According to official sources, adhering stores have recorded a large influx of public, which in some cases has doubled or tripled the usual flow for these dates. "To meet this growing demand, some supermarkets have extended their hours of service to the public, which has improved access to the service, accessible to more than 4.2 million residents of Buenos Aires," said spokesperson for the province.

Curutchet recalled that the benefit will be available next Wednesday and noted that "those who are not yet customers of Banco Provincia can open an account and thus access discounts."

The benefit covers purchases with credit and debit cards issued by the entity in food, fresh produce, non-alcoholic beverages, cleaning products and all price care products of these segments.

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