Long weekend: who has to take the saliva test when entering the city


the saliva test for those coming back to town after the long weekend It will start to be done from this Tuesday. The authorized places are the Munich building, in Costanera Sur, and the Congress Center, next to the law faculty. And they will also have to complete a affidavit.

The official tourist season in the city started this weekend. And in addition to the control devices in the Dellepiane terminal for those arriving by bus, there are also checks for those traveling by car.

The controls are within 24 hours of arrival.

In the Ezeiza Airport, From December 15, the operation will be set up to test those arriving by plane.

Who should do it

The test will be compulsory for those who have traveled to cities over 150 kilometers for more than 72 hours. The methodology used will be a saliva test. In addition, they must download and submit an online affidavit which can be downloaded from this website: https://turismo.buenosaires.gob.ar/es/RequisitosTuristas

I want to say will reign from TuesdayThose who return that day and have driven more than 150 kilometers since Saturday must do so. The system will be maintained throughout the summer, Until April.

How much does it cost?

The saliva test will be covered by social protection and health insurance or by the city government, in the case of Argentine tourists or residents returning to the city. For people with disabilities, who benefit from state aid or retirees, it will be free. Children under 12 will be exempt from testing.

A quick saliva test at London Heathrow Airport.  AFP PHOTO

A quick saliva test at London Heathrow Airport. AFP PHOTO

How it will be controlled

In the government of Buenos Aires, they explain that with the ENACOM collaboration and telephone companies, when the entry into the city of people with cell phones that do not have function 011 is detected, automatically an SMS will be sent to them to let them know they need to take the test.

This message will have a link to Boti, the city cat, which will guide them to meet the requirement. They will also receive a message Buenos Aires residents with cell phones that have not been captured by city antennas within 72 hours.

Do you have to fast?

Yes. According to information from the authorities, you should have three hours of fasting of food and drink. And you shouldn’t have used lipstick during this time either.

How long does the result last

The results of the test will be informed between 12 and 24 hours by text, mail or phone. If the result is negative You will be informed via automatic channels such as SMS, Boti (1150500147) or e-mail.

In case of positive, will be informed by the health staff by a phone call to be able to transmit isolation procedures and necessary care. The city’s secluded hotels are available for people who cannot accomplish it at home.

What happens if no test is performed?

The resolution that the compulsory completion The saliva test was published in the City’s Official Journal on November 26 and bears the signature of the Minister of Health, Fernán Quirós, the President of the Tourist Board, Gonzalo Robredo, and the Chief of Staff, Felipe Miguel.

From the government of Buenos Aires, once again, they appeal “to the co-responsibility of all the people who live and work in the city, and now also of those who come to visit”. However, for those who do not comply, the sanctions of the Decree of Necessity and Emergency No. 2/20, published on March 26, which provides for financial fines to those who “ignore compliance standards for the prevention of communicable diseases “. The cost ranges from 500 to 3,700 fixed units (between $ 10,700 and $ 79,180).

Requirements for tourists

For now it’s only allowed international tourism from neighboring countries. Travelers from Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Paraguay can enter exclusively by air, and those from Uruguay, also by river.

Foreign visitors must present a online affidavit and also pass a test originally 72 hours in advance, by national government requirement. In addition, they must have medical insurance with coverage against the coronavirus. The cost of the test will be $ 2,500

Upon arrival in the city, tourists must take the local test, but they won’t have to wait for the result, which will take 12 hours, they also do not have to comply with a quarantine. In the event that the study is positive, the traveler and the relatives who arrived with him will be contacted to isolate them. But in these 12 hours before knowing the result, travelers will be able to move freely.

The building where the Munich confectionery was located will be one of the reception centers for people arriving by car to take the test.  Photo Andrés D'Elía

The building where the Munich confectionery was located will be one of the centers for people arriving by car to take the test. Photo Andrés D’Elía

The domestic tourists and returning residents They can enter the city by bus (Dellepiane terminal), by train or private vehicle, or by plane via Ezeiza. They will also need to submit an affidavit online and take the test upon arrival.

According to official figures, in 2019, 2.9 million international tourists arrived in Buenos Aires, who spent 1839 million US dollars, and 6.9 million domestic tourists, who left 645 million US dollars. This represents a total of US $ 2.484 million who stayed in the city.

The foreigners control plan was coordinated by the government of Buenos Aires in collaboration with the National Ministries of Transport and Tourism, ORSNA (Regulatory Agency of the National Airport System) and Migration.

For the authorities of Buenos Aires, the conditions are already met for the reopening of the city to tourism.  Photo Guillermo Rodríguez Adami

For the authorities of Buenos Aires, the conditions are already met for the reopening of the city to tourism. Photo Guillermo Rodríguez Adami

“It’s a saliva sample, it’s very simple, it’s not the swab, it lasts less than 10 minutes and they don’t need to wait for the result, because it will be communicated to them later. “, explained Miguel.



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