Longobardi, criticized after his interview with Alberto: "I will not change for four outlaws"


Marcelo Longobardi explained on Monday, August 19 in his radio show "Each morning" his position regarding the comments that led him to arrive on social networks after interviewing the Frente de Todos candidate, Alberto Fernandez. The pilot of the cycle, which is issued by Tab radioHe stated that it was the government of President Mauricio Macri "who had taken the post" last Friday to inform him that after the report, social networks had described him as "the son of …".

"I'm not going to change the format of a program because four outlaws swept by someone say to me that I'm a child of p …" Longobardi clarified, without towers. The journalist said that government sources told him what they had said about the networks and that, following this comment, he decided to proceed with his release. "I was a little impressed by the tone of the comment I received," he said. He made it clear that he wanted to refer to this issue as the role of journalism "all over the world and in Argentina is the subject of a huge debate".

In the words of Longobardi, "in Argentina, this debate was inaugurated by (Néstor) Kirchner." In this line, he explained that his program had three missions: to inform, badyze and give points of view. that my point of view is historical: I have been talking with Kirchnerism for 16 years since the day Nestor Kirchner badumed the very day that I said what I thought, "said the driver of CNN

Marcelo Longobardi: "One of the hallmarks of kirchnerism is to harm evil"

In this regard, he felt that since the beginning of the cycle, "we have been quite criteria and very serious in the way we mix the components of the program. We are not 6.7.8. This program has a historical point of view. "

As for critics, he added that he would continue to talk to the Todos Front candidate. "There is a moment when I am going to fight with Alberto Fernández. There is a moment when I will listen to him to see what he tells me, for example, what he talked about with the president, a subject that interests Argentineans, "he said.If the asylum patients prefer to live in a deep state, let them live in a deep state, if they want to insult through the networks, they will insult. "



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