Looting and incidents: violence returns to Paris with another demonstration of yellow jackets


A barricade in front of the Arc de Triomphe, on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées Source: Reuters – Credit: Philippe Wojazer

PARIS.- After weeks of decline, the movement of

"yellow vests"

was trying to take a new impetus today in its eighteenth demonstration against the fiscal and social policy of the

Emmanuel Macron,

Outraged by clashes with the police, looting and fires in the center of Paris.

The first violence took place shortly before midday (local time) on the famous Avenue des Champs-Élysées, where several thousand demonstrators had gathered.

During the morning, barricades were seen on the famous avenue that houses the Arc de Triomphe. Attacks have also been launched against brands such as Hugo Boss, Lacoste or Nespresso and restaurants like Fouquet's frequented by celebrities. Other protesters, many dressed in black and wearing a hood or helmet on their heads, threw stones at the security forces, who fired back with tear gas and water cannons. .

At least 64 people were arrested during the riots, according to police on the balance sheet until 1:30 pm (9:30 am in Argentina). In addition, at least 11 people, including two policemen, were injured by a fire at a bank branch on Franklin D. Roosevelt Avenue in Paris. "Two people were saved from the flames, a woman and her baby, who had been imprisoned on the second floor," said the fire department.

According to figures reported by the minister, some 7,000 to 8,000 people were demonstrating in the French capital today, including 1,500 "ultra-violent" demonstrators.

The famous restaurant Fouquets was also a hotbed of violence
The famous restaurant Fouquets was also a hotbed of violence Source: AFP – Credit: Thomas Samson

It had been weeks since scenes of looting and clashes like this one had been seen in Paris, recalling those recorded on the same avenue at the end of November and
early December. These images of violence have been around the world.

Interior Minister Christophe Castaner denounced the acts of "professionals of destruction and disorder" and asked the police to react with "the utmost firmness in the face of these inadmissible attacks". "The individuals who committed this act are neither protesters nor thugs: they are murderers," he said later.

No doubt allowed: they call for violence and are there to wreak havoc in Paris. Disguised and masked professionals in the mess and disorder have infiltrated the processions.
@prefpoliceto respond with the greatest firmness to these inadmissible attacs.
pic.twitter.com/ihOzZRittU& – Christophe Castaner (@CCastaner)
March 16, 2019

The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, also condemned on Twitter "the insupportable abuses committed".

Paris, the epicenter

The center of Paris is awake today with closed metro stations and protected windows in the expectation of a new mobilization four months after the start of the protests.

"We had a little demobilized last week but we are not dead! Macron, let's go for you!" Said Murielle, a "yellow vest" who took part in a march that left northwestern Paris .

Several figures of this apolitical movement organized on social networks invited their supporters to converge on the capital.

"We are looking forward to those of Toulouse, those of Bordeaux, those of Marseille …" said truck driver Eric Drouet, one of the leaders of "yellow vests", who is waiting to reinforcements from Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Poland

The demonstrators also attacked premises located on the luxurious avenue Paris
The demonstrators also attacked premises located on the luxurious avenue Paris Source: AFP – Credit: Alain Jocard

Maxime Nicolle, another remarkable member, promised a "memorable" day, "one of the most important weekend since the beginning of this mobilization".

Presented as an "ultimatum" to President Macron, this new mobilization comes after a series of debates in France during which the government hoped to channel the anger of the demonstrators and bring out concrete proposals.

The number of protesters has decreased in recent weeks. According to figures from the Ministry of the Interior – the issue of "yellow jackets" – there were 28,600 in France last week, one-tenth of the 282,000 who took to the streets on November 17, date of beginning of the movement.

Security forces had planned a powerful security device. Some 5,000 men and six armored personnel carriers of the gendarmerie were deployed in the capital, where other events had also been organized, such as the "Walk of the Century" for the climate.

Here's how one of the premises was looted by "ultraviolet"
Here's how one of the premises was looted by "ultraviolet" Source: AFP – Credit: Zakaria Abdelkafi

AFP and DPA agencies


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