Loss of purchasing power: the minimum wage has fallen by more than half since his accession to Macri's presidency


The Public Policy Observatory of the National University of Avellaneda (UNDAV) baderted that since the inauguration of Mauricio Macri, Argentina, which had the best salary minimum in the region, was now seventh.

Based on data from central banks of South American countries, a collapse of the Argentine economy was observed in the minimum wage, vital and mobile, which went from 580 dollars to 271 dollars now: a fall of about 53%.

"In November 2015, Argentina surpbaded the rest of the countries in the region.The situation begins to change radically from December 2015, but especially in 2018 with the devaluation of 100%. there that Argentina begins to lose quickly its positions until reaching the sixth position ", indicates the document.

Likewise, the study warned that between December 2015 and May 2019, Argentina became, along with Venezuela, the only two countries in the region whose minimum wage has lost the power to d & # 39; Purchase for all essential foods badyzed.

The minimum wage buys less and less bread (-78 kg), milk (-150 liters), rice (-154 kg), cheese (-19 kg), eggs (-86 dozens) and meat (-30 kg). , chicken (-70 kg) and water (-173 liters).

Based on data from the Labor government secretariat, the university paper indicates that the living and mobile living wage, measured in dollars, has declined by almost 53% in the past three and a half years.

"With the exception of Argentina and Venezuela, where the minimum wage fell by 52% and 65%, respectively, between 2015 and 2019, the other countries in the region saw their minimum wage increase in dollars, "he said. report on the regional context.

In the annual comparison between May 2018 and May 2019, the minimum wage measured in dollars fell by 31% in Argentina and became the worst number behind Venezuela.

"It turns out that the jump in the devaluation of the last year has been significant." Argentina is the second country where the exchange rate has increased the most, with 89.9%, behind Venezuela (120.780%) "he concluded.


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