Louisiana has joined the wave of states that have passed anti-abortion laws in the United States.


The state of Louisiana approved Wednesday a law that forbids women to undergo an abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy, becoming the last state to restrict the right to abortion in the United States.

The measure was adopted by 79 votes in favor and 23 against has the support of the Democratic Governor, John Bel Edwards, the first of his party to adopt such a rule this year across the country.

Louisiana joined the wave of conservative states in the United States, which has approved in recent weeks anti-abortion laws, such as Georgia, Ohio, Mississippi, Kentucky, Iowa, North Dakota or Alabama , which directly prohibited this practice, except in cases of high risk to the health of the mother.

In Louisiana, the law prohibits abortion after the detection of the beating of the fetus, something that normally happens after the first six weeks of pregnancy, when Many women still do not know that they are pregnant.

Legislators they rejected amendments which should include exceptions in case of incest or rape.

Women disguised as Margaret Atwood's maids protested the law in New Orleans on May 25. Photo: AFP.
Women disguised as Margaret Atwood's maids protested the law in New Orleans on May 25. Photo: AFP.

All these laws should be quickly blocked by the courts since they clearly contradict the Supreme Court's "Roe v. Wade" judgment of 1973, which guarantees Americans the right to have an abortion while the fetus is not considered viable, c & rsquo; # 39; ie Twenty-fourth week of pregnancy.

The Conservatives' offensive seeks bring the issue of abortion back to the US Supreme Court, where conservative judges have been in the majority since the constitution of Brett Kavanaugh, appointed by President Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party has adopted regulations that hinder access to abortion protected by religious rights and women's health.

Protesters protested in favor of legal abortion in the Supreme Court on May 21st. Photo: AFP.
Protesters protested in favor of legal abortion in the Supreme Court on May 21st. Photo: AFP.

In addition, Trump has withdrawn grants to family planning clinics offering abortions, a move that targets primarily Planned Parenthood, the largest of these organizations in the country against which the Conservatives are leading a crusade.


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