love saved his life


However, his partner asked him to stay the night and he, in principle, refused; but Fernanda insisted and he ended up accepting the invitation. That night, he will not return to the building which a few hours later ends up collapsing, killing dozens of residents..

“I was right outside her house, about to leave. And for some reason, she asked me to stay.”said De Moura to the chain CNN. “People were getting into their cars and I said, ‘I’m going home too,'” he said.

It’s that I had a personal workout the next morning and wanted to shower and put on clean clothes before I left. “I wanted to take a shower and sleep comfortably. But she insisted that I stay,” the man recalls.

Finally, his girlfriend won the debate and spent the night at his house. The couple stayed awake a little longer, chatting and drinking beers. De Moura estimates that he went to bed about 30 minutes after the landslide that buried his house.

He woke up very early on Thursday June 24 and thought about sleeping a few more minutes before leaving for his home. He searched his cell phone and discovered several text messages and missed callss. Alarmed, he calls the building manager. “My God, you are alive,” she exclaimed.

It was only there that he found out what had happened, the tragic collapse which he claims claimed the lives of two of his friends. “We used to hang out in the pool and on the beach. So there is certainly a lot of pain right now. I am very grateful to be alive, but very saddened by the tragedy.”

“For me, for Fernanda, it’s definitely a miracle,” De Moura said of her own story. A miracle of love, a love story that saved his life.

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