Low Cost Graduate Travel: A Trend Developing Among Boys Who Completed High School


Sources of the Argentine Federation of Travel and Tourism Agencies (Faevyt) they informed the portal 0223 What Student travel sales were down 35% from the previous year.

At the same time, according to data from the country's Ministry of Education, in 2017, about 700,000 boys graduated, but compared to the records of companies selling student packages, barely 24%, about 170,000, They made a graduates trip this year.

Of these, just over 120,000 went to Bariloche, 30,000 chose Carlos Paz, around 12,000 from Brazil (Camboriú or Puerto Seguro) and about 3,000 opted for Cancun, Cuba or a Caribbean cruise. . These trips were possible because the dollar had not yet soared after the two mega-devaluations of the peso in 2018, when the US dollar had risen by 105%.

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Destination Bariloche

Although the ultimate destination for graduates has always been Bariloche, a few years ago, some chose to go to Brazil or Mexico. Today, the choice of these international destinations, for the value of the dollar, is almost impossible.

"Bariloche remains the strong destination of student tourism.This year we offer children facilities to make their trip graduates in the countryEzequiel Vialaret, of the New Trips agency, told the news portal 0223.

However, many agencies have stopped offering the trip to Bariloche or have exchanged the package for a cheaper package as a national destination, such as Carlos Paz.

Today, trips are sold one or two years in advance and this leads to the role of the father "be another, be more present".

Those hiring this year to travel to Bariloche in 2020 must pay between $ 55,000 and $ 65,000 per child. The price varies according to the number of days, the hired excursions, the bowling alleys and if you travel by plane or in collective.

"Today, with only one school, you do not fill a collective. There are schools in which no boy travels directly and in others, a clbad of 30 boys, with a 15 "chance tripsaid the representative of the tourism company.

In case of choosing a cheaper option for the interior of the country, the 6-day trip to Carlos Paz leaves $ 30,000 per person.

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International destination

If the ultimate destination for graduates has always been Bariloche, a few years ago, some chose to go to Brazil or Mexico. Today, the choice of these international destinations, for the value of the dollar, It costs between 25% and 30% more than going south of Argentina.

To go to Brazil, the "graduation cruise", typical of teenagers, It goes from $ 75,000 to $ 80,000 in Rio de Janeiro. For its part. Porto Seguro leaves $ 85,000 per person. Cancun, Punta Cana and Cuba reach almost $ 3,000, or nearly $ 130,000.


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