Low cost price war: JetSmart launches $ 1 tickets


The airline will begin operations in April the first 12 internal lines that will connect the cities of Buenos Aires (The dovecote), Cordoba, Mendoza, San Carlos of Bariloche, Salta, Puerto Iguazú, Neuquén and Tucumán.

The company has launched the offer of tickets from the final price per ticket of 1 peso. On this occasion, they offer 5,000 tickets at the price of $ 1 per peso with their taxes included, tickets are available at the following address: www.jetsmart.com until next friday.

To establish itself as an airline in Argentina, JetSmart has received the certificate of operation of aeronautical services (CESA), has a local management team, pilots and crew to start domestic operations from the month of April.

As stated by the company as of today, these are the first 12 routes and their 24 sections with their final amounts (taxes included) per section.


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