“Lucas is alive, with a reserved prognosis, but alive”, confirm the sisters of the young man


The young Villa Lucas, student at the Technological University of Pereira, He was shot eight times with a gun by armed civilians on the public highway as part of a peaceful protest during the events of the national strike.

After the viralization of the Villa affair, which many protesters recognized as a young man using art as a means of demonstration, There was a lot of news about the young man’s health, in fact in the harangues of the protests the day after the attack on Villa, in the streets all over the country it was said “Lucas is not dead, Lucas was killed “.

This is because many people have said the young man died after eight gunshot wounds. A few hours later, an aunt of the young man spoke with Semana and noted that the young man was brain dead, product of one of the blows given to him in the head.

On the morning of Thursday, following the day of the attack, hospital director Juan Carlos Restrepo said that Villa’s prognosis upon arrival at the health center was compromised and that at this time he is found in delicate condition. However, the doctor does not confirm that it is brain death.

“Not confirmed [que tenga muerte cerebral]. His neurological condition is very serious, our specialists and the neurosurgeon considered that it was not a question of surgical management. At the moment, they are managing him in the intensive care unit ”, the doctor explained to RCN Radio.

However, on the evening of Thursday, May 6, the Lucas Villa sisters performed live with actor and activist Omar Vásquez, who also shared the image of Lucas which went viral on networks pointing out that the protester had been kill.

The transmission was made for the sisters to clarify a post they made a few minutes before making sure their brother is alive. Nicole and Michelle Villa They pointed out that since the moment their brother was attacked the whole situation was very confusing and they decided not to comment on the matter until their brother’s condition was confirmed by the doctors. .

From the moment we learned of Lucas’ injuries and health, there have been many theories. It is a time of stress and conflict, every hour there is different information. First they told us he was dead, then he was alive but badly injured, then the clinic produced a report that said they were ruling him out for surgery, that didn’t mean my brother was dead or nothing could be done. for him, simply that his injury did not require surgeryOne of the sisters said, stating that so much information generated misinformation in which even the family didn’t know how Lucas was doing.

That was the whole point, which is why the harangues were heard that “ Lucas was killed ”, after his brain death, but We have already spoken with the doctor, we have already seen our brother and Lucas is alive, this is what needs to be clarified. However, Lucas has a guarded prognosis due to the severity of his injuries., this is what needs to be clarified to all who know our brother“Said the two young women.

Lucas Villa, an injured protester in Pereira, is alive

Lucas Villa Vásquez took part in the peaceful protests called in connection with the national strike on May 5.

Videos have been distributed on Twitter with Lucas walking with hundreds of young people in Pereira, there are even versions that claim that the student was doing educational work with the citizens to explain the reasons for the strike.

There is still no information on the people who tried to harm the life of the young man, whether civilians, armed forces or paramilitaries, it is known that Villa was the victim of ‘an act of violence in the middle of the marches last Wednesday.


What we know about the attack on Lucas Villa, a peaceful protester shot dead by an armed civilian in Pereira
Citizens pay tribute to three young people shot dead in Pereira

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