(Audio: Novaresio 910 – Radio La Red)
The vice president of Uruguay and former first lady, Lucia Topolansky, spoke of the crisis in Venezuela: "There are errors on both sides because they are the same, they are West Indian. Maduro is as Caribbean and as strident as Guadió, Guaidó as Maduro"he said.
In dialogue with Luis Novaresio, for his program "Novaresio 910" of Radio network, was concerned about the oil country's current situation, but also about the present and the future of the region.
"I have a sorrow in my soul. Not only for Venezuela, but for Latin AmericaBecause the situation is extremely difficult. In Uruguay, we are making increasing efforts because we understand that the problem is between war and peace. We believe that we must all work for the scenario of peace, because the scenario of the war is not suitable for Venezuela or anyone else in Latin America, "said Topolansky.
And he continued: "This is about finding a negotiated solution. Negotiation is not synonymous with dialogue because they wanted to confuse those words. When I talk to someone, I feel the time of the world and I weave agreements. It's an extreme situation, where I must seek – in the very short term – a negotiated solution. And, when it's okay, I give you to give me. It's not: "I'm imposing it." Neither one nor the other, nor the other, nor the other … Because there are several actors. "
"The essential is peace. Unfortunately, we have recently seen what happens when they invade a country. The weapons have evolved to the point where they command an unmanned aircraft, bomb and sweep hospitals. Who mature? The leaders? No, the weakest dies. The poorest because the richest have already left. That's what we want to avoid. For this, Uruguay has proposed a mechanism. This is neither the government nor the opposition. It's much more complex than that, "he explained.
When asked if she thought that there was a rule of law in Venezuela, she replied: "It is useless to discuss this. What is a crisis situation that can lead to war?. If we start measuring with these parameters … We, what we propose, are free and total elections. It means supervised by the United Nations. The UN is the only international body empowered to intervene in this situation because the OAS has taken sides with one of the parties. When you take sides, you can no longer oversee neutrality. He made some serious mistakes. "
Then he explained what he means by free and total elections: "It means executive and legislative because Guaidó asks for an executive, Maduro asks for a law. So, well, both … it's a negotiation. And supervised by someone whom no one doubts is the United Nations. "
He also stated that "there must be imprisoned persons, all parties must be legalized and very short deadlines. At this time, it is necessary to determine in this transition who is at the head of the government. It can not be any of the parties. It must be a very short term that in my head I do not take it beyond three months.
"I think that with this scenario, we are solving the crisis. The bottom is a much deeper thing. Venezuela must increase its oil production, diversify its production and restore coexistence, difficult roads, "he added.
Acting on his country's proposal, he said: "The condition posed by Uruguay is that help arrives, but without politicization. Let the International Red Cross or another organization come and take care of flights without flights, without musical scenarios … "
And he continued, "This aid is almost a tip for the 17 million people in Venezuela. There are blunders on both sides because they are the same, they are Caribbean. Maduro is as Caribbean and as strident as Guadió, Guaidó as Maduro. It's about talking a little, doing a lot of things and trying to find a way out. "
At the end of the interview, Topolansky was asked about Mauricio Macri's government: "We are a small country with giants aside, I always ask Argentina and Brazil to do well.. I see that the situation is complex. All I want is that Argentina arrives civilized on October 27th. That day we played the presidency in the Rio de la Plata and Bolivia. If we all come to the elections and people can vote, we have to accept the result. "
Regarding the candidate he prefers in Argentina, he said: "We do not know who will be a candidate, I will not say it because I do not like to enter the cage of others. in my heart, I have a clear idea of who I would prefer. "
Finally, consulted by her husband, Pepe Mujica, said: "He retired but he continues to do politics as always"
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