Luis Brandoni called for a march for the government


L & # 39; actor Luis Brandoni again showed its support for the Government of Mauricio Macri. In a video broadcast on social networks, he called from Madrid for a march on Saturday, August 24 after the defeat of Together for change in the STEP elections.

"We are worried but not defeated, on the contrary, there is still much to be done Saturday 24, we will go in the streets and squares of the country"he said.

Brandoni called to walk "for meShow and show that many of us want a republican, democratic and decent country. We must prepare for October 27, with prosecutors at all tables convinced and safe "he added.

"We lost the republic several times, not yet," he concluded. "Cuddles and live the country"commented the actor at the end of the video one minute.

Recall that the actor is part of the group of intellectuals and artists who expressed their support for the leadership of the president before the elections. Among those who expressed support for a new presidential term Juan José Campanella, Graciela Fernandez Meijide, Santiago Kovadloff, Norma Morandini, Juan Jose Llach and Luis Alberto Romero and Juan José Sebreli.



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