Luis Lacalle Pou underlined the “laudable courage” of the Cuban demonstrators


The President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou
The President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou

The President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, underlined this Monday the “courage worthy of praise” of the demonstrators who they took to the streets of the main cities of Cuba to protest against the dictatorship of the Caribbean.

“Freedom is what moves the individual. There comes a time when you can be cornered, cornered, but when certain situations arise, the individual fights for his freedom and that of society, “said Lacalle.

When asked if he had contacted the Uruguayan diplomatic representation on the island, Lacalle explained that he “exchanged messages to see how the situation was experienced”.

For his part, the President of the United States, Joe Biden, on Monday asked the “Cuban regime to listen to its people”.

“We support the Cuban people and their clamor for freedom and relief from the tragic control of the pandemic and decades of repression and economic suffering to which it has been subjected by Cuba’s authoritarian regime, ”Biden said in a statement.

Protests in Cárdenas, Cuba

“The Cuban people courageously exercise their fundamental and universal rights,” said Biden. “These rights, including the right to demonstrate peacefully and the right to freely determine one’s own future, must be respected ”.

“The United States calls on the Cuban regime to listen to your people and take care of their needs at this vital time instead of getting rich “, concluded.

The Government of the United States, through the Acting Assistant Secretary of State in the Office of Western Hemisphere Affairs, Julie chung, he already had said he was “very concerned” this Sunday by the calls to “fight“What the President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, has done to stop the demonstrations against the regime on the island.

This Sunday, Thousands of Cubans took to the streets to protest Castro’s dictatorship amid the serious health situation on the island. Lhe protests began in the town of San Antonio de los Baños (Artemisa, west), shouting “down with dictatorship!”, “freedom” and “homeland and life”, but they then spread to other parts of the country such as Palmas Soriano (Santiago de Cuba), Havana, Guira de Melena and Alquízar, both in the province of Artemisa.

After the protests, the dictator Miguel Díaz-Canel considered this Monday that the day before was historic, but not because of the opponents but because of the “defense of the revolution” carried out by the partisans of the mode.

“A hug to our heroic and beloved Cuban people, who yesterday a significant part of their children played in one of the most historic days of the defense of the Revolution“, He indicated from the Palace of the Revolution, surrounded by the political office of Castro, in a press conference which he assured to have been planned for days. He also claimed that Sunday’s massive protests across Cuba were aimed at “shattering the unity of our people.”

(With information from Europa Press)


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