Luis Lacalle Pou went to the beach and revolutionized networks: all eyes were on one aspect of his physique


The Uruguayan president was filmed by a group of supporters.

The President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, became a trend in social media after a video went viral of him being seen arriving at the beach. While many Twitter users criticized him to walk while in the country there is an increase in coronavirus cases, others have stressed the physical condition of the president and they were particularly referring to his abs in a series of memes.

In images taken on Saturday at the spa in La Paloma, we see him in a swimsuit, getting out of his truck with the mask in hand and taking a few steps he puts it on. At this moment, he is intercepted by a group of supporters filming the sequence and greeting him.

“How are you girls?”We hear Lacalle Pou say in the recording, to the surprise and cries of enthusiasm of a group of women at the president’s gesture. The president went to the scene accompanied by his family.

One of the memes about Lacalle Pou on the beach. (Photo: Capture Twitter / @ juan_mosquito)

As expected, occurrences of Twitter users didn’t wait, and memes quickly began to circulate. Many of them make comparisons between the head of state and certain figures of The simpsons.

Another of the memes of the Uruguayan president’s visit to the beach. (Photo: Capture / @ PineroloCap)

One user also wondered: “Since when does Lacalle Pou look like a Hollywood actor?”

Answers and memes on Lacalle Pou on the beach. (Photo: Twitter capture / @ some_tennis)
Another comment after Lacalle Pou’s video. (Photo: Twitter capture / @ CleClementina)

Another, with a touch of humor, made a comparison between the Uruguayan and a retro photo of the head of government in Buenos Aires where we can see that he has a lot of hair on his chest: “Everything is fine with Lacalle Pou, but Winter is coming and he will cry for a Larreta not to be cold“.

Lacalle Pou review for his visit to the beach

Of course, beyond the teasing on social networks, there were those who were upset by the presence of Lacalle Pou on the beach, given that in Uruguay in recent days there has been a significant increase in the number of positive COVID-19 cases.

Measures against the coronavirus in Uruguay

Lacalle Pou decided keep borders closed until February 1 to try to stop the increase in COVID-19 cases. “Unfortunately, and to our great regret, in particular the Minister of Tourism, we will continue to close the borders for 20 more days,” he said at a press conference.

The president also announced the extension of two hours of opening hours in bars and restaurants – which until January 10 was midnight – because, as he explained “Almost all infections are intrafamilial” and he believes it is time to “revive” a sector that has been very economically affected.

With this flag, they seek to alert when there is a large concentration of people on the beaches of Uruguay. (Photo: video capture)

To avoid non-compliance with the sanitary protocols in force on the beaches, many of them have started to set up the system of “agglomeration” flags which are found in the coast guard boxes. The intention is to warn that at this time there are more people than recommended by the authorities, and without the necessary distance between umbrellas and groups of people.

What are the symptoms of the coronavirus and how to prevent it (Infographic:


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