Luis Majul crossed with Ofelia Fernández for a fake video


Ofelia had shared a manipulated video that turned out to be a fake Credit: Instagram: @ofefernandez

Last week, users of some of Kirchnerist's Facebook groups broadcast a video of a press conference

Patricia Bullrich

slowed down to
to give the impression that the Minister of Security was drunk.

Ofelia Fernández, precandidata to the legislator of Buenos Aires for the

In front of everybody

, was one of the leading personalities who shared the images with the impression that it was true, but then had to erase them and clarify the reasons.

Invited by

Luis Novaresio

I must say (America), the student leader was part of the pbad with the cycle
The cornice, trained by

Luis Majul

who interrogates him by the diffusion of the adulterated video.

"Let me clarify one thing, I was listening to you in your program, you were talking about the subject of Patricia Bullrich, the video, I deleted it but I also clarified the situation," said Fernandez when of the exchange.

"I went to laugh a lot because I thought it was true, because the grace of
false news they want you to fall and act on that, "he added.The problem is not who shares it but who produces it.And you've made me a very critical strong and I wanted to clarify that I knew that it was a
false newsI knew it after downloading and, therefore, I deleted it and clarified it. "

Majul recognized the actions of the precandidate of Buenos Aires and asked for forgiveness. "Let me tell you, Ophelia, it's my bad thing … When a reporter says something and it's not signed by the latest facts, what he has to do "It's excuse me, so I apologize," he says before inviting him to discuss on his show when she wishes.



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