Luis Majul had to apologize to Ofelia Fernández for giving a "false news"


Luis Majul had a cross with the candidate to the legislature of Buenos Aires, Ofelia Fernández, in which he had to apologize for a charge that ended up being false.

"Let me clarify one thing in pbading, that I've heard that you're talking about video in your program Patricia Bullrich and the video and me. I mean that I deleted the video and clarified the situation"expressed the young candidate of the journalist.

And on his show, Majul denounced an operation with Security Minister Patricia Bullrich for viraliser of a slowed video that made her drunk, and stressed Ophelia for having it published.

"So let me tell you, Ofelia, that's my bad. When a reporter says something that is not signed by the latest events, he must apologize. "replied Majul.

For his part, Luis Novaresio came to the rescue of his colleague: "Te Banco Luigi, speaks well of this laburo begins saying" sorry, I was wrong ".

"We spent hours talking, and we send a lot of macanas", the driver of The cornice


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