Luis Miguel's biographer revealed the confidentiality pact that he signed for the hit series


The journalist Javier León Herrera tells the details of the life of the successful Mexican singer LAM . The video!

Luis Miguel, the series has researched the details of the life of the great Mexican singer. The biopic of Netflix is based primarily on the book Luis, My King: The Exciting Life of Luis Miguel of Javier Leon Herrera

The Spanish journalist spoke with Los Angeles de la Mañana and explained what was the confidentiality clause that he had to sign for the production of the hit series. "In Luis, Mi Rey, who took me a year and a half of research, I immediately realized why Luis Miguel had that reputation of being a hermetic person and jealous of his private life." message that I was transmitting was that he could not cover the sun with a finger, but try to do something rigorously, "began Leon Herrera

" He could not help talking about his life This influences thousands in Latin America.In this first book it was very complicated and already in the second ( Luis Miguel: history ), with everything in the series, the privacy clause m & rsquo; Prevents to say how the process unfolded, "explained the writer

" In social networks, many people ask me "what is so true to about this part? "or" what writers have added for fiction? ". All that I can not reveal, obviously, "details Leon Herrera, who also recounted the" scabrous "end of Marcela Basteri the singer's mother

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