Luis Ortega promotes El Ángel, the movie about serial killer Robledo Puch



"El Ángel", the film directed by Luis Ortega on the history of serial killer Carlos Robledo Puch, will arrive in theaters on 9 August. In the promotion of the film, the son of "Palito" Ortega said: "This is not a detective film, it is a child movie, it is not confronted with the darkness of the real case, there is no crying family … victim, life seems to have some irony with individuals, and it makes cynicism in a powerful way, "he said. explained Luis during a radio interview with the program "Nobody is Perfect" of Rosario, reproduced by the journalist Laura Ubfal

.] Lorenzo Ferro, son of the famous actor Rafael Ferro, portrays the badbadin Robledo Puch in the film, but he had never played before, and was screened in a cast involving nearly a thousand young people .

Ortega has always been clear that the protagonist must be an unknown actor. "He had the determination not to be known, and if it was possible, that he was not an actor, someone from the street, a fresh and new image, which would make you want to discover it, "he revealed.

Therefore, he added, Ferro's preparation required "an intense work of six months of trials, until we experienced the miraculous process of seeing it transformed into Carlitos". "Lorenzo does not act, he amuses himself, as the protagonist, that irreverence and this innocence come to us wonderfully," remarks Luis Ortega

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