Luisito Comunica denounced having suffered an attempted theft during the LGTBQ + march


PHOTO: Instagram / @luisitocomunica
PHOTO: Instagram / @luisitocomunica

Content Creator Luisito Comunica He said he was the victim of an attempted theft during the LGBTQ + march which took place yesterday in Mexico City.

As he recounted on his official Instagram account, the influencer was recording a few stories from the massive event to share with his followers, when he felt they wanted to take his cell phone out of his pocket. Then gifts helped him.

“They wanted to rob me there in the middle of an event, in full swing,” he denounced. “You are surrounded by a lot of people and I started to feel like someone was pulling out my phone (out of my pocket). I turn around and clearly see a hand ‘like that’, ”he recounted in reference to an individual who attempted to strip him of the electronic device.

“I turn around quickly and see the carnal like that behind my back.” So obviously I alerted people. “As he said, once he learned of the attempted theft, Luisito started warning passers-by about the theft and started warning that”This ‘wey’ steals phones Thief, thief!”.

Luisito communicates victim of attempted robbery during LGBTQ march

“And always the ‘wey’ like that, he got very aggressive,” Luisito continued, adding that the suspected thief had started yelling at him. However, the content creator received help from his companions and the same people who noticed what happened.

“Already the same people have started to say ‘No, now let Luisito walk.’ And already among the same people they took me out of there and It was already like ‘okay, I think that’s a sign to quit the march», Explained Luisito, who after this attempted theft decided to withdraw from the event.

“But very good, the net. The event was very pleasant, very happy. It’s very nice to see so many people gathered together raising their voices. Lots of people, indeed. It was a very big, very beautiful event, “he concluded of the altercation.

Luisito against homophobia

PHOTO: Instagram / @luisitocomunica
PHOTO: Instagram / @luisitocomunica

On the other hand, as part of the celebration of the International LGBTQ + Pride Day, Luisito shared a series of photographs during the march that took place in Mexico City. However, He received a series of comments that he called homophobic.

From Instagram, Luisito shared a few snapshots of the event in which hundreds of people gathered to celebrate. However, the photographs were not well received by some of his disciples: “Mexico, get ready. With the wrath of God. From today I stop following you on Instagram and YouTube, “wrote a user of the social network.

“Noooo, I dropped an idol,” other fans finished. “This instead of being a pride in dishonor to God, they make him suffer for all the abominations they have created,” said another user.

PHOTO: Instagram / @luisitocomunica
PHOTO: Instagram / @luisitocomunica

Faced with these comments in his post, Luisito reacted and sent a forceful response: “What an impression, what a disappointment to read the comments in the post. A lot of homophobia, it’s very sadBegan in a clip he shared through his stories.

“It’s very sad to see that, I don’t know whether to laugh or be disappointed to see this kind of thing. I’m just going to tell you something: open your minds. They need a lot of people. The world is a very, very diverse place. It’s very crazy to see how these mentalities, really, are very latent, they are very present among us”.

“And this (the comments) is just a sample. Yes, it is very necessary that this type of events take place, ”concluded Luisito, who was also responsible for sharing some messages he received on his social networks throughout the day yesterday.


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