Lula and Correa congratulated Alberto Fernández | Re …


Former Brazilian President Lula Da Silva has sent a strong enthusiasm to the presidential candidate of the Front of All, Alberto Fernández and his companion formula Cristina Fernández for "the significant result obtained during the Argentine primary" with 47, 65% of votes against the low 32.08 won President Mauricio Macri. "We have to give hope to people, create better days and take care of those who need it the most. A big hug from Lula's friend", Wrote the PT chief on his official Twitter account after congratulating his colleagues.

In this same line, the former vice-presidential candidate with Fernando Haddad, Manuela Dávila, He mentioned the "market movements" in the country and stressed that the result of the polls "clearly shows the popular will", which continues the "resumption of a project at the service of citizens and national interests and not financial capital represented by Macri ". "Long live Cristina and Alberto Fernández!", He added from his Twitter account. In her message, there was also a picture of her, with her daughter in her arms, at a meeting with CFK.

Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa celebrated the results of the first election contest of the year in Argentina. "Thank you Alberto, thank you Cristina, thank you Axel … Thank you, Argentina for the soul!" Wrote Correa, pointing out that "everything is only a matter of time." "Our people will wake up. Up to victory always! "He added.

In another message, he recalled the words of the former Uruguayan president Jose "Pepe Mujica", who was asked many years ago that he was worried about the right turn in Latin America. He replied: "The tour is temporary. People will not forget what the left has given them and will eventually remember what the right will take away from them, "said Correa, closing her message with the hashtag #LaPatriaVuelve. He accompanied the post of a photo that shows him alongside CFK, Mujica and Bolivian President Evo Morales.


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