Lula and the millions of voices that are heard | In …


Page12 in Brazil

From Brasilia

After a year in prison, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva sent a letter to the thousands of protesters gathered in several capitals to demand his release. "Exactly one year ago, I am isolated in a prison, they have never presented any evidence against me, I am a political prisoner, exiled in my country, separated from my people (…). thought they would shut me up but they did not shut me up, they will shut me up because we are millions of voices. "

On Sunday morning, a crowd marched through the streets of Curitiba, capital of Paraná State, in the south of the country, in which the supervision of the federal police, Lula, was admitted around 11 pm on Saturday, April 7 2018 from San Pablo.

The Red Flags of the Workers 'Party (PT) and the Landless Rural Workers' Movement (MST) blazed in the middle of the columns defying in front of an exaggerated police cordon.

In San Pablo, mobilization began in the afternoon, while another act took place in Rio de Janeiro.

A big gathering took place Friday night in Porto Alegre, where Fernando Haddad was the speaker. The presidential candidate of the PT in the elections last October compared the trial that led the former president in prison to a football match where the referee is badociated with one of the teams. In this case, the referee was Judge Sergio Moro, head of the Lava Jato case, rigged with the then candidate, and winner, Jair Bolsonaro.

Dilma Rousseff joined the demonstration to emphasize that "the number of Brazilians and citizens around the world outraged by prison is increasing".

After the acts of this weekend in southeastern and southern Brazil, there will be others in the coming days in the northeastern region. To use these concentrations, we use alternative media, blogs and social networks through which an information flow has been created to counter the information vacuum that dominates the economic press.

The editorials, or a good part of them, of the dominant media predicted Lula's political end with his arrest at the San Bernardo do Campo Metalworkers' Union, an industrial belt of São Paulo, which occurred late in the afternoon. midday of April 7, 2018. Poor forecast.

Yesterday, the word of the former head of metallurgy reappeared in the "big press" through a letter bearing his signature.

"Today, it is clear that my arrest was part of a political movement (…) it was necessary to prevent at all costs my candidacy (presidential), it was the Basic plan "started in 2016 with the" coup d'etat that provoked "Dilma Rousseff by a dismissal.

The text was published in the daily Folha de San Pablo, which the Federal Supreme Court banned him from interviewing Lula last year on the grounds that his statements could have a negative influence on citizens before the vote. The newspaper El País in Madrid has also been the subject of judicial censorship.

More than that: the courts have banned detained politicians from carrying out proselytizing tasks while he was still a presidential candidate and pollsters – very hostile to the PT – have ranked him with 36 to 40% of voting intentions , doubling the approval of the second Jair Bolsonaro.

The missive published yesterday in Folha is entitled "Why so afraid with free Lula?"

This is a relevant inquiry, bearing in mind that the President of the Federal Supreme Court, Antonio Dias Toffoli, suspended without plausible cause a session scheduled this week during which he would discuss the liberation of the chief petista. The judge's maneuver fueled speculation of all kinds, including pressure from direct pressure from the executive branch.

Bolsonaro was the main beneficiary of Lula's absence in the elections and would be the first victim of his freedom. This is all the more true when his administration collects extremely high failure rates.

Shortly after a hundred days in power, which will happen this Wednesday, the president has revealed a fiasco for an audience that begins, to a large extent, to disenchant itself with the false news with which he nurtured his campaign of 2018.

Another group of citizens is frightened by the lies uttered during these three months of administration: he claimed that Nazism was leftist and that there was no coup d'état in 1964.

A poll published yesterday by Datafolha showed that the former captain had 32% positive image and 30% bad or bad reputation, having been elected with 57% of the votes cast on October 28th. Shortly before taking office, he had achieved 67% popularity. Translation: lost 35 points of popularity in a few months.

"People immediately understood that they were being cheated, unemployment has gone up, social programs have been emptied and they want to end their retirement," Lula wrote.

Posters bearing the slogan "Lula Libre" were picked up this weekend in some European countries, where the defense of the former president was marked by criticism against the current president.

During the demonstration in Paris, psychologist Marcia Tiburi said: "I am really sorry that Lula is imprisoned (for) an international project of power of neoliberalism, which implies giving back to Brazil its status of colonized country".

Tiburi, exiled after receiving death threats from so-called Bolognese, claimed that the arrival in power of the former captain made Brazil the "laboratory" of a broadcasting strategy. far right in the world "even here in France".


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