Lula called Bolsonar’s government “genocidal” …


Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva left strong statements in an interview published on his official website. He pleaded for the construction of an alternative to “this genocidal government”, in reference to the current administration of Bolsonaro and defended the role of health workers in the face of the pandemic. In addition, he claimed a change in monetary policy “to ensure the vaccination of the people” and achieve a state that is “where the people need it”.

The former president sharply criticized the decisions taken by Bolsonaro. The “chaos and tragedy” generated by the government of Jair Bolsonaro make the current situation in the country “untenable”, it is therefore necessary “to create antagonism to a project which is against the Brazilian people and which leads them to destruction “Lula said.

“It is not possible to continue with a genocidal government like this, saying you can’t use a mask. Bolsonaro does not take into account that yesterday (Saturday) 1,582 people died. For him, these deaths are worth nothing, ”lamented the former president.

The current president assured this week that the use of masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus can have side effects, how to alter the “perception of happiness”.

Lula also questioned the maintenance in office of the Minister of Health, Eduardo Pazuello, who “understands less health and logistics, and promises a vaccine but does not order it”.

The founding member and honorary president of the Workers’ Party (PT) reinforced the importance of the Unified Health System (SUS) and lamented the dismantling of an immunization network which in his government was a source of pride global. “Now imagine if we didn’t have SUS. I want to congratulate all the health staff, to those who work there, who have been massacred for a long time. Thanks to you, we hope to survive, ”he noted.

The PT leader compared the pandemic situation to a kind of conflict state, in which the state should do everything to protect the population.

I am in favor of increasing the monetary base, bringing money to ensure the vaccination of our people and further participation to invest in infrastructure works. When the pandemic ends, we’ll talk about the economy. But first, we will win the war ”, he demanded, and judged that it was time to“ fight to restore democracy and regain the self-esteem of the population ”.

For the former metallurgical leader, “people have to dream again, have hope”. In another order, he expressed that Brazil “cannot give up its sovereignty”, a concept which for the former president “goes from the land border, to the air space, to the maritime border, to the education, science and technology, industry, the jungle and self-esteem ”.

Likewise, He again rejected the possibility of freeing the sale of arms in the country, an initiative promoted by Bolsonaro, “a grotesque figure” who wants “to create a guerrilla, to face democracy, as Donald Trump did in the United States. “

Finally, he insisted on the need for a state “where the people need it”, that is to say in education, avalanches, culture and employment. “When the state fulfills its obligations, there will be less violence, less need for a weapon“, he concluded.


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