Lula da Silva: “Alberto Fernández dismantles …


Former President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva he said that With the arrival of Alberto Fernández in government, the country returns to the democratic path. The leader of the Workers’ Party (PT) also spoke about the advancement of law on the continent. “Through the judiciary, they tell lies to convict someone without proof, because they don’t need it“Said the ex-president. He also spoke of the need to continue to fight for the construction of a strong continental block in Latin America. “Every bit of freedom we’ve won is a reason to keep fighting and wanting more»Said the former president at the end of a seminar organized by the Patria Institute, in which the former Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs also participated, Celso Amorim.

The Law Industry

The excuse for the presence of Lula da Silva and Amorím was to discuss the foreign policy in Latin America. The ex-president called the law law the mechanism by which the powers of the continent, led by the United States, have succeeded in overthrowing progressive governments. “The United States never allowed us to be independent. There was interference from the ambassadors, after the army, and now from the judiciary. It’s the construction industry of the law“Said the former president. A few days ago, the Brazilian justice authorized the request of its lawyers to the Ministry of Justice of their country to show the work it has done with the FBI in the case. . Car wash. The former Brazilian union leader claims that the US body violated laws to access Odebretch documents. Previously, the Justice portfolio refused to provide this information. The Bolsonaro government must now present the documents that support its actions.

During the conference organized by the institute that he presides in an honorary capacity Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the former president also spoke of the context in which Mauricio Macri became president of the country. “In Argentina, a strong campaign to destroy the image of President Kirchner and a lot of money brought the conservatives to the government”Said Lula da Silva. For the leader of the PT, this situation was not disconnected from the conservative advance on the continent. “Once we formed the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) (…), when we spoke with many international organizations, When we became the protagonists of the negotiations with the world, the coups d’état began, the destabilization of the progressive governments of Latin America began.“Said the ex-president. He then underlined the importance of the multilateral organizations created during the advance of the left at the continental level. “The creation of UNASUR was extremely important. People had to understand that it was possible to create unity, a bloc in South America. After the strengthening of Mercosur, we created the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the only multilateral institution in which Cuba participated and in which the United States and Canada are not present ”, he added. declared the former president.

Lula da Silva stressed that much remains to be done to continue to strengthen democracies in the subcontinent. “The fight for democracy is not a one-time thing, it’s a fight every day and every hour“Said the head of the PT. Then he mentioned the possibilities for the left to triumph again in his country and in Ecuador, where there will be elections on February 7. “It is for this sovereign, productive and democratic Latin America, for Latin Americans, that we can never stop fighting», The former president closed his speech.

“Our future depends on integration”

Then, the authorities of the institute chaired by the senator Oscar Parrilli, gave the voice to the former Minister of Foreign Affairs under the PT government. Amorím stressed that regional integration will be essential for the post-pandemic world. “Africa has already understood this and is working on it. Our future depends on integration“Said the former defense minister under the government of Dilma Rouseff. In turn, he argued that it is necessary to include governments of various ideological signs in progressive continental alliances. “With UNSAUR, the force of integration was so great that even non-progressive leaders felt they had to be. There was the Peru of Toledo and Alan García, and right-wing governments like Uribe. We need progressives that promote integration, but at the same time, we must tolerate governments that are not, so that they can integrate, ”said the former Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Amorím also stressed that he does not believe the world will move towards US-Chinese bipolarity. “Europe is a very important power factor. Russia, in some ways, is the main military force. Third world countries must unite to receive what is to come (…). This is not an essential question, but an existential question for our countries“Said the former Brazilian minister.


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