Lula da Silva called to vote for Guilherme Boulos in …


The former president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, called on the left-wing electorate to vote for the socialist candidate Guilherme Boulos in the second round scheduled for November 29. Lula’s appeal comes after confirming that the activist of the Homeless Workers Movement (MTST) will challenge the second round of municipal elections for mayor of San Pablo. Boulos will face the current mayor Bruno Covas, from the Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB). The difference between the two candidates is about 12 points, although the support received from the left and progressivism will seek to reduce the distance. In the economic and financial capital of the country the big loser was President Jair Bolsonaro, whose candidate Celso Russomano finished in fourth place.

“All the voters who vote for the PT, all the voters on the left, all progressive voters, all those who want to restore democracy in Brazil, now they have the historic commitment to vote for comrade Guillermo Boulos “Lula assured on his Twitter account. The party of the former president had accompanied to the elections last Sunday a candidate very distant from the second round, Jilmar Tatto.

After having reached 20.24% of voting intention against 32.86% for Covas, Boulos has emerged as the alternative of the left against the current mayor of the Brazilian center-right. In addition to being an active activist for the right to housing, Boulos was a candidate for the presidency of Brazil in the 2018 elections.

Before Lula’s expected announcement, other PT leaders, such as former presidential candidate Fernando Haddad, who was mayor of São Paulo between 2013 and 2017, had already advanced their support for Boulos. The Communist Party has also expressed support for Boulos’ candidacy. Your candidate for mayor of São Paulo, Orlando silva, said about it: “It was important to beat Bolsonaro in the first round. Now it’s time to build a popular project that prioritizes jobs and income and makes São Paulo a city without racism. Let’s go together!”.

While waiting for the second round on November 29, the president of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) of Brazil, Luis Roberto Barroso, asked the federal police to investigate the cyberattack on the entity’s computer system who delayed Sunday’s exam. She will seek to find out whether the perpetrators of the attack are linked to leaders linked to the far-right who are already under investigation for spreading false news in the 2018 presidential elections.

Barroso said the court’s computer systems recorded up to 436,000 access attempts per second on Sunday morning in a clear attack by global hacker networks in an attempt to bring down the system. Added that the “simultaneous mass shootings” were fired by computer robots from Brazil, the United States and New Zealand but he said the attack failed to overcome security barriers in the court’s computer system.

However, The attack generated a technical glitch in one of the electoral system’s supercomputer cores, which ended up delaying the counting of the votes. and in the disclosure of the municipal election count. The court took about 13 hours to complete the exam, an action that usually only takes four hours.

Asked about the delay of the court to publish the ballot, President Jair Bolsonaro questioned Monday the security of the electronic voting system in Brazil and defended the return to the ballot. The president is a longtime critic of electronic voting and has denounced fraud in various elections, but has never presented any clues or evidence of his accusations.


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