Lula da Silva does not have money to pay the deposit and will arrange a collection


After seeing his sentence reduced by justice Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, imprisoned for a year, says that he does not have the financial resources to pay bail which would allow him to partially recover the freedom within a period of about six months. In order to be able to go to the "semi-open" incarceration regime, in which the prisoner is free during the day and returns to prison at night, Lula will have to pay R $ 3 million (approximately $ 760,000), an amount does not fit to cope, according to their loved ones. "Lula's lawyers and friends are already thinking about organizing a 'vaquita & # 39; (voluntary collection) to pay the fine of 3 million reais Superior Court of Justice, "the newspaper reported Folha of San Pablo.

The four members of a chamber of the Superior Court of Justice approved the reduction of the sentence of the politician 12 years and a month, dictated in the original sentence, to 8 years and 10 months. At the same time, they ratified the sentences for corruption and money laundering pronounced in 2017 by the former judge Sergio Moro and ratified in 2018 by the Federal Regional Court 4, Appeals Chamber.

Lula has been in prison since April 2018 at the Superintendency of the Federal Police of Curitiba, where he was not satisfied with the decision of the Superior Court of Justice. "The problem is not to reduce the penalty, the penalty must be zero (…) So far, I did not have the right to a fair trial, "Lula told a Labor Party co-religionist last night at the Police Directorate, according to reports.

"The struggle must continue, in the same way that I was judged politically, I will be released politically by the resistance of the people," said the former leader when he received in his cell his colleague Emídio de Souza. For his part, the lawyer of the politician, Cristiano Zanin, announced that he would appeal the court decision. "We respect the position presented today by the Ministers of the Superior Court, but we disagree to understand that the only possible decision is the acquittal of former President Lula because". he did not commit any crime, "Zanin said.


The life of former leftist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is marked by unpredictable reversals, often confused with those of Brazilian history.

– October 27, 1945: Born into a family of poor peasants in the north-east of the country, who emigrated at the age of 7 in the state of Sao Paulo to flee famine.

– 1975: President of the Metalworkers' Union, a sector in which he has worked since the age of 14.

– 1978-1980: He led the great strikes in the industrial suburbs, in the midst of a dictatorship (1964-1985) and was jailed for a month for his role in the conflict.

– 1980: Participates in the founding of the Workers Party (PT, left) and is one of the creators of the Single Workers Union (CUT), which becomes the largest federation of labor in Brazil.

– 1 January 2003: First Brazilian president of working clbad origin. Re-elected in 2006, his term ends in 2010, with an approval of more than 80%. Thanks to its social programs, 29 million Brazilians emerge from poverty, despite the fact that the country remains very unequal.

– 2005: Decapita to the leadership of PT after the corruption scandals of "Mensalao" (paying bribes to legislators in return for political support).

– 4 March 2016: Judge Sergio Moro orders Lula to make a forced statement as part of the Lava Jato investigation into a bribery ploy in Petrobras.

– 17 March 2016: Another judge suspends her appointment as Dilma Rousseff's chief minister of government on the pretext that the designation was intended solely to protect him from ordinary justice.

– 12th of July 2017: Moro condemns him to nine and a half years in prison for pbadive bribery and money laundering, as a beneficiary of an apartment located in the seaside resort of São Paulo in Guarujá, offered by the company's OAS construction in exchange for its mediation for obtaining contracts with Petrobras.

– January 2018: A second instance court (TRF4) is serving a sentence of 12 years and one month of imprisonment.

– 7 April 2018: Two days after Moro ordered his arrest, Lula surrendered to the police at the Metallurgical Union of Sao Bernardo do Campo (Sao Paulo Industrial Belt).

31st August 2018: The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) invalidates his candidacy for the presidential election in October. On September 11, Fernando Haddad, former mayor of Sao Paulo, replaced him as a PT candidate.

– 6th of February: Judge Gabriela Hardt, deputy Moro, appointed Minister of Justice Jair Bolsonaro, sentenced him to 12 years and 11 months imprisonment for corruption and money laundering, saying he benefited from reforms in a hacienda in Atibaia (inside Sao Paulo)) offered by construction companies in exchange for contracts with Petrobras.

– 23 April: The Superior Court of Justice (STJ, third instance) reduced Lula's sentence in the Guarujá case from 12 years and one month to 8 years and 10 months of imprisonment. This decision opens the prospect that Lula could benefit in October from a semi-open detention regime.



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