Lula da Silva has revealed he contracted coronavirus in di …


Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has revealed he tested positive for coronavirus while traveling to Cuba, although he has already recovered. In a statement released by its press team, Lula said he was “ready to take the vaccine when it is available for everyone” in Brazil. I affirm that He did not communicate his diagnosis before “to be out of Brazil” and to “protect his family and that of the other infected”. The former president had been in Havana since December 21 for the filming of a documentary directed by the American Oliver Stone and has just returned to his country.

After the disease was confirmed, Lula remained in isolation and under the health surveillance of Cuban authorities, What lung lesions detected “compatible with bronchopneumonia associated with covid-19”, whose former president presented an “excellent recovery”.

My entire team and I appreciate the dedication of health professionals and the Cuban public health system who were with us in daily care, ”said the former president. He also took the opportunity to salutes “all health professionals who are trying to do the same here in Brazil”, despite “the irresponsibility of the President of the Republic (Jair Bolsonaro)“.

In the statement, Lula celebrated the arrival of the coronavirus vaccine, which he described as “the only way out” amid the pandemic, which has already claimed more than 212,000 lives and 8.6 million infections. Brazil. “Former President Lula returns from Cuba with one certainty: only the vaccination of humanity can rid them of the coronavirus. Enough ignorance against the vaccine”, he insisted, in clear allusion to Bolsonaro, who doubts the effectiveness of the doses and has already warned that he would not be vaccinated.


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