Lula da Silva is about to get her freedom


The Brazilian prosecutor's office asked the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva benefit from a semi-open regime that allows him to serve his sentence at his home, after a higher court has reduced his sentence from twelve years to eight and ten months for a corruption case related to Lava Jato It is the Attorney General of the Republic, Aurea Nogueira, who has seized the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), the highest criminal court.

If this request is made, the leader of the Workers' Party could get out of prison during the day and go to the penitentiary during the night and the weekend.

The former Brazilian president has been in detention since April 7, 2018 in Curitiba, border state with the province of Misiones, for corruption. Former Justice Sérgio Moro, the current Minister of Justice of Jair Bolsonaro, ruled on this case. According to his resolution, Lula was guilty of receiving an apartment as part of the bribes that the OAS construction company had paid to the PT.


The so-called department of Lula is put on sale by its owner

This sentence was taken as a political persecution since it has never been possible to prove that this department belonged to him. On Sunday, a large-scale festival in Sao Paulo gathered more than 80,000 people to demand the freedom of its former president.


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