Lula Da Silva is in love and hopes to get out of jail to get married


As revealed by journalists from the neighboring country, the new couple called Rosángela, a 43-year-old sociologist who met in the caravans of the last election campaign.

May 20, 2019

Love triumphs over hatred and it was revealed that the former president of Brazil Luiz Ignacio Lula Da Silva, who is imprisoned since April 2018, would be in love and his first intention after his release from prison is to get married.

This was revealed by the former Minister of Finance Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira, One of the few to visit the former president periodically: "He is in perfect physical and mental health, and his greatest concern is that his innocence be recognized.He is in love and his first project after his release from prison is marriage "he badured.

To integrate

As revealed by journalists from neighboring country, the new couple is calling Rosángela, 43-year-old sociologist met in the caravans of the last election campaign, before his imprisonment.

"I'm going to ask, I want to go home, but if I have to give up trying to defend myself, I have no problem to continue here", with regard to waiting with the regime of home detention, after reduction of the sentence to 8 years and 10 months.


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