Lula da Silva received the coronavirus vaccine | AND…


Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine this Saturday in São Paulo and summoned the population again to be vaccinated “to get rid of this monster”, referring to the virus.

The 75-year-old Workers Party (PT) leader was vaccinated without getting out of his car at a station set up by the state government, which has already declared a health emergency with a nighttime curfew and the end of the face-to-face meeting. – facial activities due to increased cases.

“All people want is to get vaccinated to get rid of this monster called coronavirus.”, said the ex-president, shortly after a vaccination that was disseminated through his social networks and reproduced by local media.

At a press conference last Wednesday after his sentences were canceled in Operation Lava Jato, Lula called on the population to get vaccinated and wear masks, despite “the president’s stupid decisions (Jair Bolsonaro) and the Minister of Health “, General Eduardo Pazuello.

São Paulo has anticipated the start of vaccination for people over 75 years old this weekend.

In the state, the situation is so critical that the matches, even without an audience, of the São Paulo football championship, all religious services, the operation of offices and shops, in addition to classes, have also been suspended, even so schools will remain open for support and dining halls.

Occupancy of intensive care beds has reached 100% in the largest hospitals in São Paulo and in total, the state has a hospital occupancy rate of 87% while on February 17 it was 66% ¨.

The second wave with the Manaus variant collapsed the three southern states – Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná – and now São Paulo is on the verge of no longer having the capacity to serve them all.


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