Lula da Silva sentenced to 12 years in prison for a new corruption case – 06/02/2019


Brazilian justice condemned the former president on Wednesday Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 12 years and 11 months in prison in another case for crime of corruption and money launderinginformed judicial sources. This is another investigation as part of the major operation Lava Jato, in which he is suspected of receiving bribes as part of a reform of a fifth of the state of San Pablo.

The judgment of Judge Gabriela Hardt, at first instance, is the second judgment that condemns Lula in the Lava Jato operation in the state of Paraná. This decision can be appealed, according to the G1 site of the Globo chain. Twelve other people were denounced in this process, including Marcelo and Emilio Odebrecht, of the construction company that bears his surname, and Leo Pinheiro, of the OAS company.

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The former president, leader of the Workers' Party, has been imprisoned in Curitiba since April 2018 and is serving a 12-year sentence and one month's imprisonment, handed down by a federal regional court of second instance. He was sentenced for receiving an apartment from the construction company, in the coastal town of Guarujá, São Paulo, in exchange for a bribe, in return for his profit in a public work. For this sentence, Lula was unable to stand in presidential elections last October.

According to this new accusation, according to the Federal Public Prosecutor (MPF), Lula would have received bribes from the Schain group as well as OAS and Odebrecht construction companies for reform and decoration , in 2014, from the fifth Santa Bárbara, to Atibaia Pablo), a weekend house that the former president frequented with his family, according to G1.

According to the complaint, the work was done with cash payments, without registration.

According to prosecutors, the former president "consciously and deliberately directed the criminal scheme," hid the origin of the values ​​invested in the reforms of the place, which belonged to the businessmen Fernando Bittar and Jonas Subaduna, the newspaper reported. Folha de Sao Paulo.

Lula's defense has always denied the responsibility of the former president in these crimes. The case was revealed in January 2016, when it was revealed Folha

Source: agencies


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