Lula da Silva's party says new sentence is judicial "persecution"


The Workers Party (PT) of Brazil criticized the new sentence imposed on former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva for bribery and money laundering offenses. "Lula's persecution does not stop, a second sentence was delivered just when it is possible that Lula is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate," party chairman Gleisi Hoffmann wrote on Twitter. The leader added that, in the memory of the people and history, "Lula will always be bigger than her executioners".

Judge Gabriela Hardt – Deputy judge Sérgio Moro, now Minister of Justice Jair Bolsonaro – published Wednesday Second sentence of 12 years and 11 months in prison, referring to a reform implemented by the OAS and Odebrecht societies on a farm that Lula and his family frequented in Atibaia (State of Sao Paulo).

A perseguição at Lula não para. A second condemnation to Jato faith proferida, exactly when cresce to possibilidade of Lula to be Nobel of the Peace. In the memory of history, Lula will always be better than his carrascos#LulaLivre

– Gleisi Lula Hoffmann (@gleisi) February 6, 2019

The ex-left-wing president and leader of the PT has been in prison since April 2018, provisionally serving a twelve-year and one-month sentence in another case, concerning an apartment that would also have been paid by one of the contractors of the semi-public oil company Petrobras. .

According to the prosecutor's office, Lula allegedly received bribes from construction companies for the reform and decoration of the aforementioned property, which he frequented with his family on weekends and during his leisure time, although In fact, she belongs to a friend, Fernando Bittar. Prosecutors have badured that companies they paid reforms worth R $ 850,000 ($ 229,000) in this property.

This Wednesday is the second sentence of the exmandatario in the great cause Wash jato, started in 2014 by Sergio Moro. Lula has been arrested since April last year at the Federal Police Directorate of Curitiba, executing a 12 – year sentence and a month 's imprisonment.



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