Lula Da Silva's relationship with Latin America | "…


The future is uncertain and is in dispute. The conservative wave is losing strength. October, a month of revolutions, is presented as crucial in the deployment of forces for the next decade. Argentina is moving towards a Peronist government and Frente Amplio and MAS are seeking popular support to ensure the continuity of their governments in Uruguay and Bolivia. The sky is clear and a new opportunity emerges. Valuing the experiences and limitations of the past is an obligation of these times.

– How do you remember the years of change of government?

– These were moments of cordiality. We had no competition. This was the moment we dreamed about: Kirchner, Lula, Chávez, Rafael Correa, Tabaré, Pepe Mujica, we dreamed of building a powerful economic block, technologically developed, to challenge the export of value-added products and not just commodities.

– What should have been done more?

– Many things, many things Do you know what's going on? We are the result of our political training and cultural training. There were centuries of mistrust between us and we can not change people's heads in a few years. We did not create the Bank of the South that we wanted to create. We could have created more multilateral institutions to prevent any government from changing things as they do now. Relationships between states do not necessarily have to depend on governments. The relationship of the state is something very solid, it can be a right-wing government, center, left, the relationship between two states must be sustainable, sustainable. I think we can not do that. We build a beautiful friendship. I never forget: Chavez told me that when he was a professor at the military academy, his clbad had to speak badly of Brazil, that Brazil was Venezuela's enemy , that we had to pay attention to Brazil. Who guided him? It was the American orientation. And this was valid for all countries of Latin America. I think that if we could go back in time, and this is not possible, I think we would do a lot more than we did. Much more. Do not give in to the small pressures of the economic groups. Only yield to the pressure of the popular interests of every citizen of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador.

– What is the look of the Bolsonaro government on Latin America?

– They hate Latin America, hate Africa and just lick the boots of the US government. Our government has decided not to scorn the United States, to treat them with respect, but to treat our partners with much greater respect and priority. For Brazil to go well, Argentina has to go well, Uruguay has to go well, Paraguay is doing well, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Chile. All countries must be well, because poverty does not allow distribution. What allows the distribution, it is the wealth. That's the knowledge. That's why we treat our integration with South America and Latin America with the utmost care.


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