Lula Da Silva's wishes when she leaves prison …


The former president spends his days locked in a cell of 15 square meters. A bed, a small table that officiates most of the time on the desk, a television on which he watches little television but which follows the reality of what is happening and the debates of his party and who knows the world through the pendrive his lawyers approach him every day. He has no communication with the outside, because he is in secret. He spends his time reading, sometimes he walks and breathes in a yard that is reserved for him and where no one is watching him, it's the only place where he stops watching for a moment; Write letters and plan your future in prison. His first plan as soon as he regains his freedom is to get married. He confesses to being in love "like a boy of 20 years".

.- How is the daily life since your arrest? How is this moment, how do you spend the days here?

.- I may spend better than Pepe Mujica when I was in the isolated cell of Uruguay. I am in an isolated cell, I receive my lawyers who come every day and the family that comes … A brother and his children once a week. I watch a lot of things received from my friends about the political news of Brazil and the world. Although not present, I participate in meetings that are held throughout Brazil, in which PT and CUT participate. I have read more than I have read in all my life.

.-isat to read something particular?

.- I read a lot about Brazil, a lot about the economy. I am very interested in reading about relations between Brazil and Africa, about slavery in Brazil. And I have read other types of books. I have a lot of books, some things shock me. Slavery impresses me too much, what has happened on this continent for more than 300 years and the contempt of the Latin American elite towards blacks who have provided so many services to this country. That's why, when I was in government, I had a preference for South America and Africa because I thought Brazil should create new markets, new partners. There is no highly developed country in the United States, all of Central America, the Caribbean and Latin America are poor. Only the United States and Canada are rich and it seems to me that they are working to keep us poor. Is it possible that in 500 years we can not create a Holland, a Denmark, a Norway, a New Zealand in Latin America? This will be possible? It is difficult to allow Latin America to have some sort of progressive government at the service of the rise of the poor. In truth, they are not interested. For how many centuries the theory of Latin America was that Brazil was the enemy of all bordering countries, that one had to be afraid of Brazil. I am nostalgic about the relationship we had with Kirchner and Cristina.

.- What is the first thing you will do when you recover freedom?

– Get out of here, get out of here. When I leave here, I intend to get married and return to politics, to travel through Brazil, Latin America and do what I can do: politics.

.- He's in love?

-Yes. It's funny, is not it? I'm 73 years old, I'm going to be 74 years old and I'm like a 20 year old boy. I say every day: I am 74 years old, the energy of a young man of 30 and the desire to marry a young man of 20 years old. I was going to say something else. I am very grateful to Argentina. First, my relationship with the Argentine labor movement is extraordinary. I have, I believe, 12 doctoral degrees honoris causa in Argentina. I only regret not going to Argentina for a walk. I just went to work. I did not learn to dance tango and I have the body of a tango dancer.

.-Who would want to visit who has not come yet?

.- It's hard to say who I would like because visiting a political prisoner has no invitation. The inmate does not make a list of guests as if it 's been a wedding. That is, here people come because they want to come. I confess that I was very happy with the visit of (Alberto) Fernández. Very happy, very, very. I think this attitude has increased my respect for him even more. I already had it and I was growing a lot more for his courage. The visit of Pepe Mujica, with more than 80 years, always interesting. Duhalde came here too, already a little sick, to visit me. So I am very grateful, but I can not say it. Next week, I'll meet Chico Buarque, he's coming here with Esquivel. It's still very good. It 's not long, it' s just a one – hour visit and I talk a lot.

How do you treat the death of his wife Marisa and that of his grandson Arthur here in prison?

.- (Leonel) Brizola (Companion of the formula of Lula in 1998) I said that we should not have a problem of death. That is, a person decreases his or her presence over time. I have lived 43 years with Marisa, so I do not want to forget her. We never forget the grandson. All his life, we will remember his grandson, his brothers. The important thing is to know that despite death, it is necessary to remember good things and move on. I am a man who loves life very much and even though I am 73 years old, I still want to live it intensely. I like to live, I like to do politics and that is what I know how to do. And if you are a boyfriend and you are in love, he will make politics much more enjoyable. You will always have a smile on your face while chatting with people.

-Has love occupied and occupies a central place in your life?

.- Honestly, I do not know if the human being is able to survive without love, honestly, I do not know it. I believe that the human being needs love to live, to have strength, to be motivated. Because it's not just love in your personal relationship, it's love for your people, your country, the cause, that is, the more I read about the history of Brazil, the more I see the injustices that have been committed in this country more than want to fight. I think that if everything I knew from history today that I had known 50 years ago, I would have become revolutionary. By not knowing, I became a Democratic politician.


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