Lula does not have money to pay a deposit allowing him to take advantage of temporary outlets – 24/04/2019


After seeing his sentence reduced by justice, the former Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silvaimprisoned for a year, nor has resources to pay the deposit this would allow him to partially recover his freedom in about six months.

In order to be able to go to the "semi-open" imprisonment of the regime, in which the prisoner is free during the day and returns to prison at night, Lula will have to pay R $ 3 million. (about 760 thousand dollars), which is not able to cope, according to their relatives.

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"Lula's lawyers and friends are already thinking of organizing a" vaquita "(voluntary recovery) to pay the $ 3 million fine of the Superior Court of Justice," the newspaper reported. Folha of San Pablo.

The four members of a Superior Court of Justice Chamber on Tuesday approved the conviction of the politician it is reduced from 12 years and a month, dictated in the initial sentence, to 8 years and 10 months. At the same time, they ratified the sentences for corruption and money laundering pronounced in 2017 by the former judge Sergio Moro and ratified in 2018 by the Federal Regional Court 4, Appeals Chamber.

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Lula has been in prison since April 2018 at the Superintendency of the Federal Police of Curitiba, where he was not satisfied with the decision of the Superior Court of Justice. "The problem is not to reduce the sentence, the sentence must be zero (…) Until now, I was not entitled to a fair trial," said Lula to a member of the Workers' Party at night, under the direction of the police. , according to this Wednesday.

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"The struggle must continue, in the same way that I was judged politically, I will be released politically by the resistance of the people," said the former president when he received in his cell his colleague Emídio de Souza.

For his part, the lawyer of the politician, Cristiano Zanin, announced that he would appeal the court decision: "We respect the position presented today by the ministers of the Superior Court, but we express our disagreement to understand that the only possible decision is the acquittal of the former President Lula because he has committed no crime, "said Zanin.


Source: ANSA


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