"Lula embodies the revolt of the Brazilians" | Dilm …


"Lula is not just a political prisoner, he's not just an innocent convict.Lula represents the possibility of embodying the revolt of the Brazilian people," he exclaimed. yesterday the former president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, at the public ceremony of the Argentine Committee for Liberty of Lula and Justice organized by Marielle. A year after the imprisonment of former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, workers' organizations, national universities, social movements and human rights organizations have come together in Groove, in the Buenos Aires district of Palermo, to demand their freedom and prevent their unjust imprisonment from becoming naturalized. In addition, in front of a crowd, the referees asked for justice for the murder of the municipal councilor of Rio de Janeiro and the social leader Marielle Franco, which occurred last March.

The words of the former Brazilian president have closed a list of speakers initiated by the rector of the National University of Quilmes, Alejandro Villar, and including his partner at the National University of General Sarmiento , Gabriela Diker, to National Deputies Jose Ignacio De Mendiguren, Gabriela Cerrutti and Victoria Donda, former Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana, the leader of the Evita Movement, Fernando "Chino" Navarro, Secretary General of Suteba, Roberto Baradel , Executive Secretary of the Latin American Social Science Council (Clacso), Karina Batthyány and the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel. The show started with a tango inspired by Discepolo, sung by Lidia Borda, and ended with La Chicana, which allowed Dilma to share her song.

Among the various reflections, affirmations and proposals linking the speeches of the referents on issues such as education, industry, feminism and politics, let us quote Santiago Maldonado, this craftsman who died after a repressive operation of the gendarmerie. in Patagonia. , Rafael Nahuel, the young Mapuche murdered by the security forces, and for the leader of the Tupac Amaru and political prisoner of the government of Gerardo Morales in Jujuy, Milagro Sala.

"Lula has declared that a world is possible that would offer opportunities to all the marginalized and oppressed in Latin America," Rousseff added, stressing that "the condition of international respect" was reached during the years of the Government of the Workers Party. unfortunately, it is lost, because we are now seeing monsters that had not been seen recently. "In this sense, he evoked" the monster of neo-fascism and the International Monetary Fund with its austerity policy " and severely criticized the policies led by the current President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, who came to power "thanks to an alliance between neo-fascists, military and religious who emerged with the 2016 coup", in reference to the arbitrary dismissal that sent her back from her post that year and set up the interrogated Temer.

In addition, the former president spoke of the badbadination of the councilor and leader who defined herself as "a black woman feminist and girl favela", Marielle Franco. "His death was entrusted to paramilitary organizations closely linked to the government authorities, which is very serious because it represents an institutionalization of violence," he said, before concluding: "It has been a long time since No man or woman was killed elected by the direct vote of the people, and much less with impunity ".

"Everyone has Lula on the loose is everyone's responsibility," exclaimed Perez Esquivel in front of a crowd that sometimes interrupted to shout "free Lula!" Drawing a parallel with the national reality, the Nobel Peace Prize and Human Rights Defender urged "to find unity in diversity to end this harmful government". In addition, Pérez Esquivel pointed out that he was following up on the Nobel Peace Prize's request for the former president unjustly condemned and pointed out: "Lula has taken thousands and thousands of Brazilians out of poverty and from ignorance, gave them a sense of life and dignity and that is why he is imprisoned: to be on the side of the people ".

The call to the event was very broad. The event organization, led by Clacso and the Metropolitan University for Education and Work (UMET), headed by Nicolás Trotta, brought together union leaders such as Rodolfo Daer, of the CGT, and Víctor Santa María, secretary general of Suterh. and owner of the October group; rectors of national universities, representatives of institutions such as the Cultural Cooperation Center and the Latin American Council of Social Sciences and Social Movements such as Barrios de Pie, intellectuals Alejandro Grimson and Pacho O Donnell.

Report: Sibila Gálvez Sánchez.


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