Lula is allowed out of prison to attend the funeral of her 7-year-old grandson


Brazil's former president, Lula da Silva, is crossing a very difficult personal moment. One of your grandchildren dead at seven Due to meningitis, the judge asked his defense to temporarily leave the prison where he is being held and can attend the funeral.

Lula's lawyers have appealed against his client, who is currently convicted of a corruption case. can send back his grandson Arthur Araujo Lula da Silva. Judge Carolina Lebos gave her permission.

Lula with her grandson. (Photo: EFE)
Lula with her grandson. (Photo: EFE)

The baby, son of Sandro Luis Lula da Silva and Marlene, died at the hospital of Batira de San Pablo due to meningitis caused by a bacteria that has lodged in the membranes between the brain and the spinal cord, the agency said. EFE.

A little over a month ago, Lula was imprisoned the sad news of another death in his family, that of his older brother, Genival Inácio da Silva, known as Vavá.

At that time, he was not allowed to attend the farewell ceremony, although he came to receive the acceptance so that he attends the family reunion that they did after the funeral. The exmandatario, finally, remained in prison.

Lula has been held since April 2018 at the headquarters of the Federal Police Curitiba. The court sentenced him to 12 years in prison for the crimes of "pbadive bribery" and "money laundering".


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