From Brasilia
"I am happy to have seen Lula again, he is full and hopeful, he is an important person for the Argentineans who recognize him enormously," commented Alberto Fernández shortly after leaving the leadership of the Federal Police. -night of Curitiba.
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva "is a man who is unduly imprisoned" said the presidential candidate of Frente de Todos during two telephone conversations with this newspaper, one before and one after his pbadage in the prison where he was accompanied by the former Foreign Minister of Brazil Celso Amorim.
"It was a very good meeting during which we reviewed their situation, the panorama of Brazil and Argentina.I noticed that I was very interested in what was going on in our country."
"I think that his freedom depends more on political than legal reasons", without losing sight of the influence of "international pressure" that can play a decisive role. Since his arrest, the leader of the Workers Party has received support from Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Noam Chomsky, Oliver Stone, Mbadimo Alema and Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. It was visited by Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas.
"Today, we remember the visit we made last year with Celso Amorim to the Vatican, where Lula's question was discussed, for my part, I spoke to several people. times to the Pope the persecution of political leaders of the region.and Argentina are emblematic. "
"I have been part of the International Committee for Freedom of Lula for over a year, I have come on a humanitarian journey".
The head of the PT has been deprived of his liberty since 7 April 2018, on the basis of an imaginative sentence of former Judge Sergio Moro.
The mentor of the case Lava Jato left the judicial career at the end of last year after receiving the invitation of President Jair Bolsonaro to badume the portfolio of justice and the public security. A political reward for a process that has also been.
Dialogues obtained by the Brazilian site L & # 39; interception They revealed illegal conversations of the magistrate of the time with members of the Attorney General's Office – the Brazilian Prosecutor's Office – in order to force the charge at the origin of a hollow conviction . "I see with great concern the arrest of Lula.Maybe the Brazilian government does not perceive that it creates a very strong spot when it holds a man like him." , which I do not doubt of innocence. " It's a blot on the rule of law, I'm very worried that these things are happening on our continent, "Fernandez said.
A few hours before the arrival of the presidential candidate in Curitiba, Jair Bolsonaro implicitly declared in the capital, Brasilia, his concern over the October elections in Argentina.
During a speech at the US embbady, he said: "We have a problem here in the north (Venezuelan government) and we do not want other countries to move from same side ".
This was not the first time that the Bolsonaro Right expressed its fear of a defeat for Mauricio Macri, as it did in May in front of a Texan businessman in Dallas and at the beginning of June at his visit to Buenos Aires.
In front of the head of the US diplomatic mission in Brasilia, the former captain, today's president, announced that he had recently proposed to Donald Trump to travel to Brazil this year to lead a summit of presidents "from center to center right".
Consulted on the comments of the Brazilian president, Alberto Fernandez replied "In truth, the best that Bolsonaro can do for me, is to speak badly of me".
Shortly after, at a press conference in front of the Federal Police, he was questioned about his relations with Brazil should he be elected.
"Brazil has chosen a president and I respect the decision of the Brazilian people," he said. With Brazil, we can only be good, fate has made us brothers and we have no alternative but to be united. "
Beanie and scarf, Celso Amorim has endorsed the impulse of the Argentine politician.
"I will speak on behalf of President Lula, who was very moved by the visit of Alberto Fernández.This visit was extremely significant," said the Chancellor of the Lula Government twice and the Minister of Defense of the direction of Dilma Rousseff.
"Lula told Alberto that his first task was to win the elections because, with the victory of Alberto and Cristina, we could hope for a return to democracy in South America."
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