Lula left prison for the first time to attend her grandson's funeral


Lula, who is serving two convictions for corruption and money laundering in the city of Curitiba, arrived at the cemetery where the funeral took place shortly before noon and almost two hours later. He fired his loved ones to board the police car where he had started the return trip.

The former head of state, who received the support of dozens of faithful who were waiting at the gate of the cemetery, participated in the wake where he met with relatives and political allies, then accompanied relatives to a more intimate ceremony in the room. cremation.

At the same time arriving at the cemetery and leaving it, the former union leader waved from afar, with his arms, to the nearly 300 supporters who accompanied him and that, in addition to messages of support, slogans such as "free Lula", which has become famous since the imprisonment of the president, or "Lula, warrior of the Brazilian people", be chanted.

Unable to approach the historical leader of the left and avoid staging a more explicit political act on the recommendation of the Workers' Party (PT), protesters cheered, shouted political slogans and delivered a prayer simultaneously with the people inside the cemetery.

Lula left the Jardin de la Colina cemetery in Sao Bernardo do Campo, one of the municipalities of the metropolitan area of ​​Sao Paulo, escorted by agents of the Federal Police and amidst an intense safety device .

The former president (2003-2011) left his cell early in the morning to surrender a trip of about three hours which included a plane flight to Sao Paulo and two by helicopter.

The former president, dressed in a dark suit and without a tie, was found in the cemetery with fellow members as being his godchild and political successor to the presidency. Dilma Rousseff, as well as the former mayor of Sao Paulo Fernando Haddad, who was defeated by Jair Bolsonaro in the presidential elections last October.

The death of Lula's grandson intervened a month after the death of the elder brother of the former president.

Lula wanted to attend her brother's funeral but justice just allowed a family reunion when the body of Genival Inácio da Silva, known as Vavá, had already been buried, so he refused permission and decided to stay in his cell.

The request to attend the funeral was then refused after the federal police had discussed logistical issues for his transfer and to ensure his safety in the middle of the burial.


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