Lula: May Alberto Fernández govern for the poor and never lie to him


From prison Curitiba, where he was jailed for 526 days, publicly thanked the presidential candidate for the Front of All and informed him that when he takes office on December 10, he will govern for those who have less.

Alberto Fernández in Tucumán

In a newspaper interview Page 12, Lula asked Fernandez that he came to power does not accept "the terrorism created by the market" because "the Argentine people are not interested in the market, the market has an interest in making money" and that it has "a commitment to God and the people: never lie to the people" and to rule mainly for the workers and for the poor Argentine people. "

On the other hand, the PT leader was optimistic about his future. "The day I stop believing in justice, I wonder what I'm going to do.This is not because a judge has been a villain, you have to judge all the justice to because of this mistake, "he said, adding that he hoped" very calmly, that the Supreme Court will make a decision. "I have two Habeas Corpus who must vote."

Lula da Silva

He stated that his beliefs were intact and that he felt strong to continue to fight for a better future: "I'm going to be 73 years old, but I have the energy of one." young man of 20 years "and he added that he was planning to live" up to 120 years old ". For that, he considered that he needed "a lot of strength", otherwise "life is turned into something boring".

In addition, Lula criticized his country's media for failing to report the revelations posted on the blog. Interception on the maneuvers and is around the cause of Lava jato. "For the big Brazilian press, there is no interception."

About his future as a politician, he stressed that he "is aware" that his role today is to contribute to the development of other people, younger and more energetic: "He There are many interesting leaders, there are new leaders in politics. I hope Brazil does not need me. "


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