Lula, more favorite than ever | After the court decision …


After regaining his political rights and becoming a potential presidential candidate for 2022, the former Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva appears as favorite in polls against current President Jair Bolsonaro.

Supreme Court quashed four lawsuits against Lula in Curitiba courts due to a jurisdictional dispute and ruled that the cases should be taken to other courts, overturning the nearly 26-year prison sentence against him.

“This is another Supreme Court ruling that restores legal certainty and the credibility of the country’s judicial system,” the lawyer said on Friday. Christian Zanin, defense chief of the ex-president, on a decision which also restores Lula’s right to stand for election.

All parties in the progressive ark spoke in the same vein, which in some cases even suggested that Lula would run for president in 2022. The clearest was the governor of the state of Maranhao, Flavio Dino, considered until now as a possible presidential candidate for 2022 by the Partido Comunista do Brasil (PCdoB), but which declared after the judgment that, if it were proposed, “it would be an honor to aspire to the vice-presidency “in a formula led by Lula.

The ex-president began to give some clues about his intentions. “I am alive, whole, I have an energy of 30 years and I am ready for the fight. If it is necessary to defeat a fascist like Jair Bolsonaro“I will be a candidate for the presidency,” Lula reiterated on Argentine C5N radio after hearing the Supreme Court’s decision.

Lula had not planned to comment on the decision this Friday, but he winked at his followers on social media and changed his profile picture to one in which he appears perfectly combed, with a sober suit and tie in the colors of the Brazilian flag. which he carried to power (2003-2011).


While Lula has not made any reference to this either, some polls are already considering his possible candidacy in the elections scheduled for October 2, 2022 and even place him as a clear favorite against. Bolsonaro, whose popularity is declining in part due to his erratic handling of the covid-19 pandemic.

The most comprehensive survey in this direction was published this week by the company PoderData and indicates that, in a first round, Lula would win with 34% compared to the 31 that Bolsonaro would obtain. But in the second round, the union leader would reach 52% and the far-right leader would remain at 34. “This scenario is a snapshot of the moment, when the country is facing the worst impact of the coronavirus pandemic and there is at great uncertainty about the recovery of the economy“, PoderData analyzed.

Bolsonaro, cornered by criticism of his management of a pandemic that has already claimed more than 365,000 lives in the country and which will be the subject of a parliamentary inquiry promoted by the opposition, accused the coup and alerted the Brazilians on Lula and the corruption which in his opinion embodies the progressive leader. “If Lula comes back, by direct vote, verifiable vote, all is well,” Bolsonaro said, but asked the Brazilians to “think about how the future of Brazil will be with the type of people he is going to bring in. the Presidency”. .

The vice-president, the general Hamilton Mourao, tried to play down the electoral scenario which seems to anticipate Lula’s return to the ring and said it was “too early” to talk about campaigns. “We have a pandemic to face, budgetary problems, the need to push forward with reforms before the end of the government. The campaign, only in June of next year,” he said.


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